Newly deployed applications on and published outputs in Posit Cloud now use Ubuntu 22.04!

We are excited to announce that we have upgraded the operating system used for applications and interactive outputs in Posit Cloud from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04. To use the newer version of Ubuntu you will need to redeploy your application. For a full list of the packages included in the upgrade please refer to Chapter 10 Appendix | user guide

The & Posit Cloud teams

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Hi @mbaynton ,

how often you upgrade the OS?
Is there an official Roadmap or do you just announce the new OS after upgrade?

Hi @aurdipas ! We make an announcement and update the documentation for each platform when the OS is upgraded. There is not an official roadmap for these updates.

Thanks @mbaynton ,

but do you only make the announcement after the update, or do you warn your user about a forthcoming update?

Thanks for the update.

Deployments that use R 4.4.2 are still getting this error more than one month after the release:

Error: Unhandled Exception: child_task=1486130880 child_task_status=error: Unhandled Exception: Unsupported R version 4.4.2 for operating system jammy.

Wondering what is blocking getting the latest R version onto Jammy?

Edit: I see this is reported elsewhere, e.g. my app work locally, but not on and Unsupported R version 4.4.2 / What to do?, and this was also an issue back when 4.3.3 was released, see Problem deploying: Error building image: Build exited with non-zero status: 127 on March 6, 2023