movable lines in plot


I am trying to add movable lines to my plots in shiny. I did find this example that works well:

Now I want to be able to add two or more lines to the plot, so I adapted the code, but I am only able to see one.

Here is my code :

ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  s <-reactive({
    rv <- reactiveValues(x = NULL, y = NULL)
    rv$x <- as.vector(-50:50)
    rv$y <- as.vector(rv$x^2)
    d <- event_data("plotly_relayout", source = "trajectory")
    selected_point <- if (!is.null(d[["shapes[0].x0"]])) {
      xint <- d[["shapes[0].x0"]]
      xpt <- rv$x[which.min(abs(rv$x - xint))]
      list(x = xpt, y = rv$y[which.min(abs(rv$x - xint))])
    } else {
      list(x = -40, y = rv$y[which(rv$x == min(rv$x))])
    d2 <- event_data("plotly_relayout", source = "trajectory")
    selected_point2 <- if (!is.null(d2[["shapes[0].x0"]])) {
      xint <- d2[["shapes[0].x0"]]
      xpt <- rv$x[which.min(abs(rv$x - xint))]
      list(x = xpt, y = rv$y[which.min(abs(rv$x - xint))])
    } else {
      list(x = -20, y = rv$y[which(rv$x == min(rv$x))])
    plot_ly(color = I("red"), source = "trajectory") %>%
      add_lines(x = rv$x, y = rv$y) %>%
      add_markers(x = selected_point$x, y = selected_point$y) %>%
        shapes = list(
          type = "line", 
          line = list(color = "gray", dash = "dot"),
          x0 = selected_point$x, 
          x1 = selected_point$x,
          y0 = 0,
          y1 = 1,
          yref = "paper"
      ) %>%
      add_markers(x = selected_point2$x, y = selected_point2$y) %>%
        shapes = list(
          type = "line", 
          line = list(color = "blue", dash = "dot"),
          x0 = selected_point2$x, 
          x1 = selected_point2$x,
          y0 = 0,
          y1 = 1,
          yref = "paper"
      ) %>%
      config(editable = TRUE)
  output$new_plot <- renderPlotly({

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Many thanks !

Welcome to the community @Felipe3! Based on some experimentation, I found the lines will appear if you put both of them within shapes = list(), making a"list of lists".

plot_ly(color = I("red"), source = "trajectory") %>%
      add_lines(x = rv$x, y = rv$y) %>%
      add_markers(x = selected_point$x, y = selected_point$y) %>%
      add_markers(x = selected_point2$x, y = selected_point2$y) %>%
        shapes = list(
          list(type = "line", 
               line = list(color = "gray", dash = "dot"),
               x0 = selected_point$x, 
               x1 = selected_point$x,
               y0 = 0,
               y1 = 1,
               yref = "paper"),
          list(type = "line",
               line = list(color = "blue", dash = "dot"),
               x0 = selected_point2$x,
               x1 = selected_point2$x,
               y0 = 0,
               y1 = 1,
               yref = 'paper')
      ) %>%
      config(editable = T)

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Thanks Scotty for your answer . Try the code and I am able to see the lines, but when I try to move them, they come back to their original position. Any idea on how to solve that ?

Many thanks !

You're welcome, and I noticed that too. I think it may have something to do with the "plotly_relayout" specification, but I'm not familiar with the event_data() function. Maybe someone with more experience in this area can provide guidance on the issue.

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