Why the content of R Markdown code on OneDrive disappeared?

I have been working on a project with multiple RMarkdown files since a few months ago. All files are in a RProj. in a regular folder on OneDrive.

For some reason, when I open the files now, only 2 of 10 files have the codes and others are totally blank! I see the files, they size is not zero, but their content is empty.

I read about this issue here and here.

As recommended, I checked to see if text-encoding is UTF-8 (the default value), and it was. I also tried opening the files in another text editor and Visual Studio Code. But I received the message that "an unexpected error happened" and I could not see their content. I closed and opened the RStudio, uninstalled and installed it again. The issue still exists. I posted about it earlier on StackOverflow, but I got no answers so far.

My system is a Mac, with RStudio version 2023.03.0+386 (2023.03.0+386) and R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31).

Can some one help with this?

I found my codes on the OneDrive's website.

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