Web application: Dutch modality exclusivity norms - Table Contest Submission

Web application: Dutch modality exclusivity norms

Authors: Pablo Bernabeu

Abstract: This table uses the 'reactable' package to allow filtering the columns based on partial text matching. The titles of some columns also include tooltips that explain the content,

inflected_prop = colDef(
  filterable=TRUE, minWidth = 140,
   header = with_tooltip('Inflected adjective',
   Adjectives inflected for masculine and feminine nouns.')),

as well as including coloured bars to visualise some columns,

Auditory = colDef(
  header = with_tooltip('Auditory Rating',
   'Mean rating of each word on the auditory modality across participants.'),
     cell = function(value) {
        width <- paste0(value / max(table_data$Auditory) * 100, "%")
        value = sprintf("%.2f", round(value,2))  # Round to two digits, keeping trailing zeros
        bar_chart(value, width = width, fill = '#ff3030')
    align = 'left'),

and finally including a numeric column in which the values in each cell are coloured according to three ranges.

Perceptualstrength = colDef(
    header = with_tooltip('Perceptual Strength',
    'Highest rating across modalities (as defined in Lynott & Connell, 2009, 2013). Values colour-coded from lower, in grey, to higher, in violet.'),
     cell = function(value) {value = sprintf("%.2f", round(value,2))},  # Round to two digits, keeping trailing zeros
                            style = function(value) {
                              if (value < 1.7) {
                                color = '#9D9D9D'
                              } else if (value < 3.3) {
                                color = '#7A5151'
                              } else {
                                color = '#541E1E'
                              list(color = color)

One of the hardest nuts to crack was allowing the full functionality of tables—i.e, scaling to screen, frozen header, and vertical and horizontal scrolling—whilst having tweaked the vertical/horizontal orientation of the dashboard sections. Initial clashes were sorted by adjusting the section's CSS styles

Table {#table style="background-color:#FCFCFC;"}
Inputs {.sidebar style='position:fixed; padding-top: 65px; padding-bottom:30px;'}

and by also adjusting the reactable settings.

            defaultSorted = list(cat = 'desc', word = 'asc'),
            defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold")),
            height = 840, striped = TRUE, pagination = FALSE, highlight = TRUE,

Last, the 'kableExtra' package was used to format the tables contained in the modal (or pop-up) dialogs that are available in the 'Properties' and 'Concepts' tabs, by clicking on the link 'Principal component loadings'.

Full Description:

Table Type: interactive-Shiny
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: https://pablobernabeu.shinyapps.io/Dutch-modality-exclusivity-norms
Repo: Dutch-modality-exclusivity-norms-Bernabeu-2018/index.Rmd at master · pablobernabeu/Dutch-modality-exclusivity-norms-Bernabeu-2018 · GitHub
RStudio Cloud:
DT package used: false
gt package used: false
reactable package used: true
flextable package used: false
huxtable package used: false
kableExtra package used: true
Other packages:

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