Unable to deploy to shinyapps.io due to package dependency

Previously, this worked if the package was installed locally with:


But despite having it installed locally, I'm getting the following error on an attempt to re-deploy:

Error: Unhandled Exception: child_task=1485121474 child_task_status=failed: Error building image: Error fetching peditools ( source. <GitHubPackage user='jhchou' repo='peditools' private=False> unable to satisfy package: peditools (
Execution halted

Multiple people over the years, at least since 2019, have reported this error intermittently, but there doesn't seem to be a consistent fix.

Any ideas?


I don't know the answer, but I would add the shinyappsio tag to the post to increase the chance that the right people will see it.

Following and linking to my own issue from a few minutes ago: Shiny app deployment: `Error: unable to satisfy package` with GitHub package

@jchou can you run rsconnect::appDependencies() from the directory where your shiny app is located?

OP here. On a hunch, even though my package is in a PUBLIC GitHub repo, I decided to log in to shinyapps.io and entered GitHub access credentials as if it were a private repo, as described here. This allowed the package build to work during Shiny app deployment.

I don't know if this would have happened with any public GitHub repo (because all other packages my Shiny app uses are on CRAN), but maybe it's a bug with accessing a public GitHub repo that you are also the owner of?


It is possible that shinyapps.io uses the GItHub API to download packages from GitHub, and gets rate-limited. In which case adding your token is the right solution indeed.


If this is indeed what's happening, if there is any way for RStudio to detect the specific failure cause, a more informative error message would be great.

This fixed things for me too, so thanks for that! It seems to confirm that there is an issue on Shinyapps' side as this shouldn't be necessary.

Hi there,

We've identified an issue with installing GitHub packages on shinyapps.io. We're working on a fix and hope to resolve the issue soon. In the meantime, I can confirm that enabling GitHub Private Repo Access is a temporary workaround.



Great, thanks for following up!

Hopefully this will help others keep their Shiny apps up and running.

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Is there a GitHub issue we can watch to know when this is fixed? I already have my GitHub account linked to either my personal shinyapps account or the DSLC.io account, so it won't let me enable GitHub authentication for an open-source org I also manage.

Would providing a GITHUB_TOKEN or GITHUB_PAT or something similar in .Renviron do the trick? I'll try that later, but thought I'd check before working on a fix later today!

This issue is being tracked internally, as the problem is related to an internal component. We've started working on a fix and hope to have it released next week.

Unfortunately, the only workaround right now is to enable private repo access. Including a PAT won't resolve the issue.