We're excited to announce the latest prize winners from the RStudio Community.We've randomly selected five individuals, weighted by the number of likes they received. We will be reaching out to each winner directly to be able to ship them their awards.
The first award is an RStudio t-shirt and all of the hex and RStudio stickers we can find. The winners for the week of September 22nd are:
It's something about today, or kids being Disney snobs. I was told the same by my 4yo when singing to Beauty and the Beast. I do a great Gaston. I was crushed.
Thanks so much, @Bill and to the rest of the RStudio team! This was great news to kick-off the weekend
It says a lot about this community's first week that knowing a heap of laptop stickers is headed my way is not even in my (not randomly sampled) top 5 favorite things here (even if I did text a small number of friends and family to brag )
We're excited to announce the prize winners for the second week. The award is an RStudio t-shirt and all of the hex and RStudio stickers we can find. Don't worry, we are building up to better stuff. As with last week we will be reaching out to each winner directly to be able to ship them their awards. The winners for the week of September 29th are:
Woo! I admittedly grabbed some stickers that RStudio brought to the Twin Cities R User Group meeting last night, but all of the dplyr stickers were gone at that point. Thank you!
I am Chirag. Doing PhD in the field of Bioinformatics. Love to code in R and shiny. I am dying to get t-shirts and stickers. Thanks for creating this site. Very eager to post here and discuss
We’re excited to announce the prize winners for the third week. The award is the famous RStudio t-shirt and all of the hex and RStudio stickers we can find. The winners for the week of October 6th are: