Superscript and Subscript character in R

How we can assign superscript and subscript in R. for example

marklist<- c(98,74,32,58,64,98,85,51)
names<- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")
grade <- grade %>% mutate(grade= if_else(marklist>=90, "A",
if_else(marklist>=85, "B+",if_else(marklist>=75, "C", 
if_else(marklist>=50, "D","F")))))

marklist names grade
1 98 A A
2 74 B D
3 32 C F
4 58 D D
5 64 E D
6 98 F A
7 85 G B+
8 51 H D
my question is how I can write B plus superscript as a character " B +" plus sign should be superscript.

This will produce subscripts:


and this will produce subscripts:


These sub- and superscripts are only visible in plots and possibly, formatted tables produced by rmarkdown.

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demo_g <- read_csv("demo_g.csv")
grade <- demo_g %>% mutate(grade= if_else(Marklist>=90, "A",
if_else(Marklist>=85, expression("B"^"+"),if_else(Marklist>=75, "C", 
if_else(Marklist>=50, "D","F")))))

Error: Problem with mutate() input grade.
x false must be an expression vector, not a character vector.
i Input grade is if_else(...).
it is not valid for character

From the error messages, I think you need to wrap the aspects of the ifelse statement in an expression() statement.

Could you show me how to wrap

For so many conditions to evaluate case_when is probably better than if_else

Can you provide an example to illustrate how case_when() is better?

This may work:

demo_g$grade <- if_else(Marklist>=90, expression("A"),
     if_else(Marklist>=85, expression("B"^"+"),
          if_else(Marklist>=75, expression("C"), 
             if_else(Marklist>=50,  expression("D"),expression("F"))
marklist<- c(98,74,32,58,64,98,85,51)
names<- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")
grade <- grade %>% mutate(grade= if_else(marklist>=90, expression("A"),
if_else(marklist>=85, expression("B"^"+") ,if_else(marklist>=75, expression( "C"), 
if_else(marklist>=50, expression("D"),expression("F"))))))

here is the error

grade <- grade %>% mutate(grade= if_else(marklist>=90, expression("A"),

  • if_else(marklist>=85, expression("B"^"+") ,if_else(marklist>=75, expression( "C"),
  • if_else(marklist>=50, expression("D"),expression("F"))))))
    Error: Problem with mutate() input grade.
    x Input grade must be a vector, not an expression vector.
    i Input grade is if_else(...).
    Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.
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marklist<- c(98,74,32,58,64,98,85,51)
names<- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")

grade_df <- grade_df %>% 
           case_when(marklist >= 90~ "A",
                     marklist >= 85~ '"B"^"+"',
                     marklist >= 75~ "C",
                     marklist >= 50~ "D",
                     TRUE ~ "F")) %>% arrange(marklist)
grade_labels <-  parse(text=unique(grade_df$grade))

ggplot(data=grade_df) +
  geom_bar(mapping=aes(grade)) +
  scale_x_discrete(labels= grade_labels)

marklist names grade
1 32 C F
2 51 H D
3 58 D D
4 64 E D
5 74 B D
6 85 G "B"^"+"
7 98 A A
8 98 F A
it does not work for data frame or table, for a plot it works, my question is how we can write superscript and subscript in a table, data-frame.

You should not expect it to work in a data.frame.
It is purely representational therefore when it is time to publish/print a nice table for presentation you would pick one of the many table printing packages... gt, flextable,datatable, huxtable, etc etc.

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