RStudio hangs on Windows 11 (R is fine when run independently)


My RStudio is very slow to run on Windows 11 and frequently hangs even for simple calculations like 1 + 1, vanilla R (i.e. not using RStudio) is fine. I've seen several other posts e.g. R studio freezes/graphic fits windows 11 dell xps but all seem to have closed with no solutions?

Is this a known issue?
I'm using
RStudio: 2024.09.0 Build 375
R: 4.4.1
Windows 11 Enterprise (23H2)
Processor: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1265U 1.80 GHz

I am experiencing a similar issue. The typing even lags on RStudio, which has not happened to me before. I tried running R independently and also in VS Code and I didn't experience the same issue.

I have RStudio version 2024.09.0+375 and Windows 11 Pro.

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