Rstudio crashs when opening or saving Rscript

Thanks for your attention!
My Rstudio (server version) crashs when I try to open an existed R script or to save one. I re-installed my R and Rstudio several times which did not work.
I am using Rstudio on a Linux server (centos6_x86_64). R=4.2.0 and Rstudio= 1.1.456 were installed by anaconda3. I can set up Rstudio apprence by clicking "tools->Global options->apprence" and install packages using "install. packages()" functions.
I click the blue floppy disk or select file and save as. My file manager pops up to allow me to select where I want to save. But then the Rstudio freezes -----cannot respones to any clicks. Besides, my Rstudio freezes when i try to set up working diretory by clicking "tools->global options->general ->browse default working diretory".
My trouble is similar to this one(Rstudio crashing when trying to save). But he is working on windows while I am on Linux server.
Dose anyone know how I can solve my trouble.
Best regards!

I think it is going to be hard for you to get help with your particular setup because RStudio does not officially support Anaconda and you are using a very old version of the IDE. If possible, use a stand alone installation of R and RStudio.

Thanks for your suggestion and I will have a try.
But I am a new RStudio user and have no idea about"a stand alone installation of R and RStudio" :sob: :sob:
It would be helpful if you could please provide more details OR just post an introductive URL about stand alone installation of R and RStudio. :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye:
Thanks again!

You can find installation instructions for R on CentOS here

And you can download RStudio Server from here

Although, I don't know if CentOS6 is still supported

I can not install R by the way you provide. And I installed radian to replace RStudio.
Thanks, anyway.
Best regards!

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