When I try to render the example hello.qmd I get Unable to locate an installed version of R. Install R from https://cloud.r-project.org/
But R works just fine and I can knit other documents.
platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch x86_64
os mingw32
system x86_64, mingw32
major 4
minor 1.3
year 2022
month 03
day 10
svn rev 81868
language R
version.string R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
nickname One Push-Up
How did you use Quarto ? From within R studio ? From within terminal ?
From within RStudio it should be working fine. Outside, you may need some configuration.
See installation section in the doc Quarto β Using R
Quarto will select a version of R by looking on the system PATH . In addition, on Windows when R is not found on the PATH , the registry will be scanned for the current R version. You can override the version of R used by Quarto by setting the QUARTO_R environment variable.
I showed the results of R.version. Is there a different way to verify that my system can correctly find R? The answer to this might give the solution to my problem. I use global options to select my R version 4.1.3 (64 bit). I added a QUARTO_R User variable pointing to C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3. This did not fix the problem causing the erorr "Unable to locate an installed version of R." Just to restate, I can knit an Rmd file with no problems from RStudio.
Also if I use "New File> Quatro Doc" the "the specified procedure could not be found". For my question, I just used the already create "hello.qmd"
Unfortunately I think you misunderstood and messed things up.
First let me just say that if you are using RStudio, you should not need anything else - just install latest version and that should work.
Now, let's go back to what we discussed.
This was your first issue: R not found. So I sent you to the doc Quarto β Using R that mention setting the env variable to help found a R version if not in PATH
You can override the version of R used by Quarto by setting the QUARTO_R environment variable.
I suggest you follow the doc and clean a bit your environment. If you are touching the environment variable, you should understand to which value you need to set it. e.g QUARTO_R is for the R installation folder for Quarto to use not the QUarto installation. Hence the issue.
So that gets me to where I started, which was before I had done anything other than install RStudio and it didn't work. I just verified that if I remove the QUARTO_R environment variables, its back to that original error.
So the original problem I noted when first posting is still that same. No Solution.
$ ls 'C:\Program Files\Quarto\bin'
quarto.cmd quarto.js tools/
$ quarto --version
bash: quarto: command not found
platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch x86_64
os mingw32
system x86_64, mingw32
major 4
minor 1.3
year 2022
month 03
day 10
svn rev 81868
language R
version.string R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
nickname One Push-Up
I was also able to replicate the original error by putting C:\Program Files\Quarto\bin in my PATH string. If I then took it out of my path string and restarted RStudio, I was able to render again.
I am not able to render to anything but HTML regardless of what is in the YAML. Am unable to use quarto_render. So the problem is that the quarto.cmd in the bin is not working correctly.