render with Quarto Error

Thanks for the reply.

  • I am using RStudio 2021.09.2 Build 382
  • I showed the results of R.version. Is there a different way to verify that my system can correctly find R? The answer to this might give the solution to my problem. I use global options to select my R version 4.1.3 (64 bit). I added a QUARTO_R User variable pointing to C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.3. This did not fix the problem causing the erorr "Unable to locate an installed version of R." Just to restate, I can knit an Rmd file with no problems from RStudio.
  • Also if I use "New File> Quatro Doc" the "the specified procedure could not be found". For my question, I just used the already create "hello.qmd"