Preventing RStudio Cloud Usage Hours While Project is Inactive

Originally posted at RStudio Cloud Space Usage Metrics —view usage metrics for any shared space where your role is admin or moderator - #2

Following on from this post:

Is this problem still applicable, or has it now been solved?

For context: The time it took me to install a few packages racked up 9.3 "hours" (partly because the packages are big and therefore needed more RAM and CPUs to compile correctly, but also because there's currently literally NO way to stop the usage record from ticking ever upwards even if it's just sitting there, even if I log out, even if I close the tab...) I also wasn't really expecting the "hours" to be counted faster when using the extra CPU/RAM that comes with the Premium account, so may I suggest that this should be advertised rather more clearly?

Aside from this I have to say my impression so far is that this is a really great service, so thank you.

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