Is Rpubs Down (Timeout Error)

I'm experiencing that RPubs is down (Gateway 504 error). Are other people experiencing this? This is quite problematic for my students.


Yes, I am encountering the same thing right now trying to re-publish and access RPubs and can't login. Getting Gateway 504 error too.


I am experiencing the issue as well, it's problematic for my students too.

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Yes, I am still having the same problem!!!
Somebody knows something about it?

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Same thing happening to me! I have been trying all day.

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I'm having the same issue.

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Same here, i though i can't submit my work

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I would love to know when rpubs, is back up and operational. cheers,

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Also of note, the status website hasn't logged the outage.


same here, still 504

How do we confirm that Posit is aware of this issue and that it will be fixed TODAY? My students rely on RPubs.

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Still down, Friday, October 27. No Rpubs page at all will respond. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help fix this!

Yes, I have the same error when try to access on my Rpubs.


Yes, I am experiencing the same issues (10/27 afternoon).

Hi again everyone, hopefully Posit are aware of this issue. In case not, I have contacted Posit - not sure the best way to contact them but I have sent an email to INFO@POSIT.CO

The team at Posit responsible for the rpubs site is aware of the issue and working to resolve it. Very sorry this has taken so long and affected so many people. I’ll update here as I get new news.


We got back up about 12 hours ago. Very sorry for this delay.

I don’t have a great technical summary for the issue. Besides the underlying issue, the team wasn’t automatically alerted to this issue (note our status website didn’t acknowledge the 504 error), hence the unusually long delay in response. Thank you all for posting here and reaching out.

RPubs will be getting a lot of love soon, as our Cloud product’s publishing options are rolled out in 2024.


Great news - thank you for the updates!

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