Installing bslib

I am trying to add accordion items in my bslib R Shiny page. I can't access that and some other features listed in the bslib site for

When I install the package, I get 0.4.2.

Am I missing something obvious here?

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That's expected—it's the latest version, the .9000 probably just signifies that it was sent off to CRAN or something similar. Have you tried the example?

Thanks technocrat, I get the following when I runApp with the example in a shiny app.

Error in accordion(accordion_panel("Dropdowns", icon = bsicons::bs_icon("menu-app"),  : 
  could not find function "accordion"

Even in the console, there is no recognition of that function:

> ?accordion
No documentation for ‘accordion’ in specified packages and libraries:
you could try ‘??accordion’
> ?bslib::accordion
No documentation for ‘accordion’ in specified packages and libraries:
you could try ‘??accordion’
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Yeah. This post from February said that the annotate() function was not included in the CRAN rep. I was able to get an example working by first


I opened an issue on the github repo.

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That worked a charm! Thanks so much!

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