change header in bslib accordion css

Hi, I'm new to css in Shiny. The bslib package makes it easy to use accordions. I'm trying to change the padding-top on accordion item A to 0. I'm unsure where you would put this in the shiny app.

  • can you do this inline?
  • is it better to do this in a style sheet?
  • How do you select id1 alone and not select all class accordion-header?

Here's the basic code:



ui <- page_fluid(
    accordion(id = 'id1',accordion_panel("Section A", "Some narrative for section A")),
    accordion(id = 'id2', accordion_panel("Section B", "Some narrative for section B"))

server <- function(input, output, session) {

shinyApp(ui, server)

This can be done via htmltools::tagQuery or htmltools::tagAppendAttributes:

# bslib::accordion is not on CRAN yet
# remotes::install_github('rstudio/bslib')


ui <- page_fluid(
  tagQuery(accordion(id = 'id1', accordion_panel("Section A", "Some narrative for section A")))$find("button")$addAttrs("style" = "padding-top:0px;")$allTags(),
  # alternative:
  # tagAppendAttributes(accordion(id = 'id1', accordion_panel("Section A", "Some narrative for section A")), .cssSelector = ".accordion-button", style = "padding-top:0px;"),
  accordion(id = 'id2', accordion_panel("Section B", "Some narrative for section B"))

server <- function(input, output, session) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

Useful links regarding tagQuery:


Thank you so much! this really puts me on the right path to read about this. Thanks for the suggestions.

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