How to post questions about forum now that there is no Meta category?

Thanks for confirming — I was thinking that might be the case, but here is why I thought to explicitly distinguish between the r and base-r tags: In Using `as.Date()` in `mutate()` yields incorrect dates, the issue was the behavior of the base R function as.Date(), which differs in behavior from lubridate::as_date().

Because Discourse doesn't allow periods in tag names, I used as-date as a tag, but wanted to make clear it referred to the base R function, so I added the base-r tag, too. Rolling the base-r tag into the r tag, however, further obscures the meaning of as-date since without the period, it could be perceived as referring to the lubridate function, making it difficult to search specifically for the as.Date() function.

This returns the same collection as using the r tag to search instead, which is consistent with the de-duplication you described.

Any chance the base-r and r tags can be allowed to preserve separate meanings?