How can I count the amount of rows in a specific time slot?

Hi all

I have a csv file with samples and there result time. This file is 27000 rows big and the result time is of one day (0:00:00 untill 23:59:59).

I want to make a histogram that shows the distribution of the amount of samples over time. That it is visible that eg: around 14u, the most of the samples are done.

I need to have a file that says:
[0-1h] = 278 samples
[1-2h] = 28 samples
[14-15h] = 7096 samples
[23-0h] = 55 samples

This info can I place into a histogram.

How can I come from a file that is listing all the samples and there (result)time to a file as above? I need to select the samples in each hour and count them and list them in a new data.frame that I can use for the histogram.

I already read a lot online and tried a lot (a couples of hours passed by), one of the things that I did is the following:

#Calculate the amount of FirstScan samples each hour by using the While loop and a counter:
install.packages("lubridate",repos = "")
DataHourMinutesSeconds <- df1 %>%
  separate(FirstScanTime, sep = ":", into = c("Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds")) %>%
  mutate_at(c("Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds"), as.numeric)

df3 = data.frame()

while (counter<24) {
 sum <- count(DataHourMinutesSeconds,
  filter(Hours == counter))
   df3[nrow(df3) + 1,] = c(counter, sum)  
    counter = counter+1

Thank in advance!

Can you please share a small part of the data set in a copy-paste friendly format?

In case you don't know how to do it, there are many options, which include:

  1. If you have stored the data set in some R object, dput function is very handy.

  2. In case the data set is in a spreadsheet, check out the datapasta package. Take a look at this link.

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First, I echo the request for an example of your data set, which makes it much easier for us to help you.

If the FirstScanTime variable is in "03:48:12" format, then the hms() and hour() functions from {lubridate} will give you the hour in numeric format.


#> [1] "18H 58M 2S"
#> [1] 18

After that, count(hours) will give the number of rows in each hour:

df1 %>% mutate(hours = hour(hms(FirstScanTime))) %>% count(hours)

It should not be necessary to download and install the {lubridate} package in your library each time you run this code. Once it is installed, library(lubridate) will load it for that R session.

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Hi all

Thank you for your responses. I used it as base and let it rest for some days. In my case, my solution was:

#Calculate the amount of FirstScan-samples each hour:

df3 <-$FirstScanTime)))
df_aggr_First_scan <- aggregate(df3, by=list(df3$`hour(hms(df1$FirstScanTime))`), FUN = length)

Thank you

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