I would like to obtain all possible combinations for 2x2 table with fixed values of the marginal totals as well as on the overall total.
Something like here:
There is surely a more elegant way to do this, but a brute-force approach would be to generate all possible 2x2 tables with the given row and column marginals and then filter the ones that satisfy the joint marginal conditions.
Thank you very much indeed Sir, for taking your time to solve this.
I would like to kindly ask you if is it a way to select all generated tables that are connected with p-values (from fisher exact test) that are lower than alpha = 0.05 ? As it states here: The Fisher-exact P value corresponds to the proportion of values of the test statistic that are as extreme (i.e., as unusual) or more extreme than the observed value of that test statistic ( https://www.pnas.org/content/117/32/19151). So basically I would like to select 2x2 tables like those ones marked with red to see what could be regarded as or more extreme than 18,11,2,9 table ( the observed data). ,
Maybe someone could propose a simpler solution or with purrr more efficient one ?
I was stuck a bit when it came to get to a deeper elements of nested list.