Questions about purrr

Thank you very much @mishabalyasin,

As for my 3-rd question:
Yes, you are right (I have got this on my mind) I would like to extract p.values from an object called marg_combos according to my another post:

The topic was solved and finally I found a solution but I regarded this as workoround using intermediate steps and cbind() function, excel, etc. I was wondering if another more elegant way exists and if it could be done in purrr on one go, having the desired result as this below or just three columns: tab_id, mat, P_values_extracted:

This is why I am learning purrr now.
What I tried so far (taken from my previous post):


## Constraints
r1_marg <- 20
r2_marg <- 20
c1_marg <- 29
c2_marg <- 11

## Range of values
r1c1 <- c(0:max(c(r1_marg, c1_marg)))
r1c2 <- c(0:max(c(r1_marg, c2_marg)))
r2c1 <- c(0:max(c(c1_marg, r2_marg)))
r2c2 <- c(0:max(c(c2_marg, r2_marg)))

marg_combos <- expand_grid(r1c1, r1c2, 
                           r2c1, r2c2) %>%
 filter(r1c1 + r1c2 == r1_marg & 
         r2c1 + r2c2 == r2_marg &
         r1c1 + r2c1 == c1_marg &
         r1c2 + r2c2 == c2_marg) %>% 
 tibble::rowid_to_column(var = "tab_id") %>% 
 pivot_longer(r1c1:r2c2, names_to = "pos") %>%
 group_by(tab_id) %>% 
 summarize(mat = list(matrix(value, 
                             nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))) %>% 
 group_by(tab_id) %>% 
 mutate(fisher = map(mat, fisher.test)) 

#> # A tibble: 12 x 3
#> # Groups:   tab_id [12]
#>    tab_id mat               fisher 
#>     <int> <list>            <list> 
#>  1      1 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  2      2 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  3      3 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  4      4 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  5      5 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  6      6 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  7      7 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  8      8 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#>  9      9 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#> 10     10 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#> 11     11 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>
#> 12     12 <int[,2] [2 x 2]> <htest>

Created on 2021-05-09 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Thanks and credits to kjhealy.

My previous attempts:

marg_combos %>% mutate(p_value=map(.$fisher,~broom::tidy(.x))) %>% unnest(p.value)

which gives:

mutate(stats = map(marg_combos$fisher, ~broom::glance(.x)))

marg_combos %>%
    split(.$mat) %>%
    map(pluck, "p.value") 

on which my laptop hangs all the time

marg_combos %>% bind_rows(marg_combos) %>%   
    mutate_if(is.list, simplify_all) %>%   


unlist(lapply(marg_combos, function(i) i[[3]][[p.value]]))


and other errors telling me that input should has got names and that $ is not good for atomic vectors.

I would like to kindly ask you to comment about these errors, so it would be very educational for me in order to understand.
Thank you very much indeed,