I am trying to deploy a simple app to ShinyApps.io, but I keep getting an error with the elmo package.
The complete error is:
Fejl: Unhandled Exception: child_task=1486761914 child_task_status=failed: Error building image: Error fetching elmer ( source. unable to satisfy package: elmer (
ui <- bslib::page_fluid(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
chat <- elmer::chat_openai(system_prompt = "You're a trickster who answers in riddles")
observeEvent(input$chat_user_input, {
stream <- chat$stream_async(input$chat_user_input)
chat_append("chat", stream)
shinyApp(ui, server)
I have tried many different versions of my DESCRIPTION file. The latest iteration, which uses remotes, is pasted below. I have also tried pak and renv, but I keep getting the same error.
chatGPT, Claude, Shiny assistant couldn't help either.
All help is appreciated.
Package: myshinyapp
Title: My Shiny App
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Steen Harsted <sharsted@health.sdu.dk>
Description: A Shiny app that plays a chiro patient
R (>= 3.5.0)
shiny (>= 1.7.0),
bslib (>= 0.5.0)
Encoding: UTF-8
A couple of weeks ago I opened a github issue because httr2 was generating the same error message. The reply was that once the CRAN version of the package was updated the error would resolve. My guess is that the elmer developers are not really considering shinyapps.io deployment.
There have been a lot of issues deploying packages from GH recently. This is what fixed things for me: Unable to deploy to shinyapps.io due to package dependency - #5 by jchou so you might want to try that (including the private repo flag). That may still not work for you though as they are not your repos, but you could consider forking and installing your fork instead of the main repo.