Error occured during transmission

Dear Community,

I am still having issues with accessing my R Studio Cloud project under the following URL:

"Error occured during transmission" pops up everytime when I am trying to relaunch the project as suggested here: System Status - Error Occurred During Transmission

Hope you can help me out!

Thank you


It looks like you are doing all the right things, sorry the instructions we have provided haven't been working for you. I've reset the IDE state on your project and it looks to be working now, but we will need to dig a little deeper to find the root cause. You should be able to start using it again right now, but if you have any issues, please update this post. In the meantime, we will keep investigating.


Hello Sam,

thanks for your help. Unfortunately I am still unable to access the project. Do you think there is any possibility to retrieve the R Scripts that are attached to the project?


I'll respond directly.


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