I need to do a "WHERE" filter in my code using GLUE package, like that:
df <- dbGetQuery(
query <- glue(
round ((aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento),7)*1440 as HF
qt_qts.res_tubo_austenitizacao aust
HF between 'input$time1' and 'input$time2' <----------------- THE ERROR
But it show that HF is not recognized in my code. So, i tried to put the full name (aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento) and it worked... BUT, i need to put the full expression, what converts the time to seconds(((aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento),7)*1440). That way, an error appear, cause of the expression.
I'm using ORACLE database
How can I refeer to the HF time with no error in my code?
The reference to the HF column looks legit; it rather seems you have a problem with gluing the query string together.
I would suggest splitting your code into two steps:
constructing the query string first
and only then applying it
That way you can isolate the query string (either via printing or using browser()) and debug it in your favorite DB management kit.
I suspect you might want to convert the contents of the input fields to numbers, and your usage of single and double quotes feels wrong, but I am not a glue expert.
query <- glue(
round ((aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento),7)*1440 as HF
qt_qts.res_tubo_austenitizacao aust
HF between 'input$time1' and 'input$time2' ")
# stop right here! - browser() or what not
df <- dbGetQuery(
You need to use braces to have glue convert the variable names to values, e.g. it should be '{input$time1}'
Also if you plan to do more construction of SQL strings with glue I would encourage you to explore using glue_sql() which is designed for this purpose.
This is similar to your other question, so use braces {} and construct the sql query inside a reactive function that way you would have access to input.