Passing parameters with 'input$ID' and 'value'

Hi guys.

I need to pass a parameter using some input value, but it's not working. Like:

df <- dbGetQuery(
      query <- glue(
        cod_aqa as AQA,
        where cod_aqa = 'input$aqateste'

That way, returns no data available in my DATABASE when my Input = 'VS53'.

But... when i do the same code using:

df <- dbGetQuery(
      query <- glue(
        cod_aqa as AQA,
        where cod_aqa = 'VS53'

That way, the program can find and return a value from my DATABASE.

My Input is called with this syntax:

selectInput("aqateste", "Tipo de AQA:",
                  choices=list('VS53','VS24', "VS55")

My DATABASE is Oracle and i'm using the GLUE Package.
I tried with many differents ways, like '{as.character(input$aqateste)}, "input$aqateste", (input$aqateste)... but did not work.

Can someone help me to identify the problem?

You have to use '{input$aqateste}' and the glue command has to be inside a reactive function, check this example


ui <- fluidPage(
    selectInput("aqateste", "Tipo de AQA:",
                choices=list('VS53','VS24', "VS55")
    tableOutput(outputId = "query")

server <- function(input, output) {
    output$query <- renderText({
        query <- glue(
        cod_aqa as AQA,
        where cod_aqa = '{input$aqateste}'

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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Man of god! It works!
Very thanks!

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