Commenting on RStudio Connect reports

I'm wondering if there are common ways for a team to comment on reports published on RStudio Connect directly. Some options may be:

  • Overlaying commenting and annotation on RSConnect, either by embedding the associated Javascript in RMarkdown reports, injecting it to all reports via some wrapper (e.g., this), or having users install a browser extension. One drawback to this is that requires users to sign up for another service, and for private reports, another set of logins to manage.
  • Relegate discussion to an associated GitHub repo (esp. for git-backed reports), or some other chat
  • Some future, native commenting capability

I haven't heard of before, but it looks promising! I'm going to dive deeper.

I was having a similar sort of thought process in my head a few weeks ago - how to recreate the MS Word "add comment" workflow in HTML outputs for my non-coder colleagues.

@vergilcw, @eric, @Tanner - any ideas or additions?

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Seems like it might be possible to self-host a server via docker-compose.

This could alleviate some concerns about privacy and account creation.

Hi @noamross! I'll let others from the team weigh in here with ideas as well, but will also log this as a feature request for RStudio Connect


Hey @noamross!

@apreshill and I have been playing around with some of these features on RStudio Connect.

I have a minimal working example on RStudio Connect courtesy of utterances . I adapted Miles Mcbain's code from his blog, and only needed to change the repo to my own repo-name.

Example live minimal blog with comments at:

I'll be exploring other options more focused on folks who may not use GitHub, but really happy that I got this working essentially first try!


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