Utterances seems like an incredibly easy and beautiful way to enable feedback on #blogdown sites. In fact, many RBloggers using blogdown already have enabled this feature, including @apreshilllink@robinlovelacelink and probabbly many others.
I haven't seen it used in #bookdown however, is this possible? I've tried it but can't seem to get it running. What I have done so far:
Installed utterances on a github organization and given it access to a repo (arc2r/comments)
saved the suggested javascript code (as suggested on utteranc.es > " Enable Utterances) in a file in my bookdown project link
included this html file in the header of each bookdown page by adding it to the yaml options like so (link):
I see that the script was successfully integrated into the compiled html files, e.g. here, but I cannot see a comment section at the bottom of the page. What am I missing?