Keywords: Spatial, Maps, leaflet, sf Hosted by @zross, @alandipert When and where: Friday Breakfast. We'll reserve a large set of tables in the dinning hall for this group.
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One of my biggest issues with mapping comes at the data joining level (US). I have done a bit of research and used various packages in the past with some ranging levels of success. Is there a concise and accurate way to merge zip code to county and state level as well as merging zip code count data to zip code mapping coordinates.
I feel your pain.
There are some US Census datasets that are helpful, as well as sf objects that have the hierarchy mapped out, but I generally confuse myself when working with it.
Unfortunately, there is no "concise and accurate way" to merge zip to county/state since zips don't fit neatly into county/state boundaries. But US ZCTA (like ZIPs) are based on underlying blocks and you can make use of relationship files: