BoF at rstudio::conf - Educators



Keywords: Teaching, Teaching and learning R/Data Science!, Teaching R, Teaching RStudio, Education data, Higher Education
Hosted by @mine and the RStudio Education team
When and where: Thursday at Lunch. We'll reserve a large set of tables for this group.


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Are you planning on participating in the Educators BoF? Are there any specific topics you'd like to discuss? If so, please chime in below!

I'm always on the hunt for interesting datasets to teach. Chatting about interesting datasets or useful data repositories could be productive.


I agree with @richierocks. Sometimes a useful analysis of a highly relevant or at least interesting data set can make all the difference. By now, we know pretty much all that can be discerned about irises and survival of the Titanic passengers :slight_smile:

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I'd love to talk about LearnR and Shiny as education tools if anyone would be interested!


I’m able to chat about R for Intro Stats and general data literacy. BTW Mine, in the conference app I’m missing from the Education speakers list. Friday 1 pm. Looking forward to it!

I'd love to talk about using RStudio Cloud as a teaching tool, as well as finding cost-effective strategies for deploying Shiny apps to the classroom for lab-style activities.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Education BoF - rstudio::conf 2020