Any suggestions on reason - or how I can investigate. There does not seem to be an explanation in the messages
p.s. It would be helpful if the abort window was moveable
I'm sure it's scattered across this site somewhere, but could you add in your versions, relevant specs, etc. (no clue what the answer is, but couldn't hurt to know what's what!)
Having not used blogdown before, I assumed that one of the previous builds left some dangling temporary file that was causing issues -- I've seen that in RMarkdown before. Not knowing what those temporary files could be, I downloaded blogdown, created a new site, and it promptly blew up R on the Windows 7 computer I have in front of me. Creating additional sites is touch-and-go; some blow up and some work fine.
It looks like a new build of blogdown hit CRAN on the 1st, and the Windows build was updated on the 5th. That seems like a good place to start investigating the problem.
Good point about blogdown update. I automatically updated a week ago and this is probably first time I have
created a new post and run serve_site since. No relevant issue on github at first glance so I guess i'll revert to earlier version and retry
Thanks for suggestions. Here is an update
Deleted public folder (as I would normally before running hugo_build)
The only blogdown folder I seem to have is the one with the package
Ran serve_site and crashed
I do not run the default theme but have been using icarus for months
Restarted computer (I always restart R anyways) and it worked Ok 1st time
However, when I added back the new post and re-ran serve_site it aborted again
There was a message something like this
stack imbalance in '<' 43 then 54
With the new post, I cannot see any issues from just running all of its chunks
Does it work if you re-serve the same site multiple times without adding back in the new post? I was getting some inconsistency, which didn't seem to follow an obvious pattern in my brief debugging.
No you are right. I must have just struck 'lucky' first time. So it does not look like an issue with my new post(?)
The site does build. It appears in my RStudio viewer and I can open in browser but the session still crashes
Tried dev version of blogdown 0.2.2 (same result)
reverted to v 0.1 (the CRAN version until a week ago) and repeated serve_site() attempts all work
Creating a new site with blogdown::new_site() and then subsequently serving it with blogdown::serve_site(), I can eventually crash the R session by clicking on links repeatedly. Sometimes it's while loading the initial page, sometimes after I've clicked on a link up to about 10 times. I might get an error in the console, but it's different every time and doesn't always appear. This potentially appears to be a problem with servr, which I know nothing about.
Any ideas as to how we could narrow down the problem more, @edgararuiz?
OK so reverting back to 0.1 the serve_site functions performs fine and I can open all my posts locally
However when I attempt to run hugo_build (still on v 0,1 which has worked fine for months) only the front page gets created
reinstalled v 0.2 to see if hugo_build worked on that but no dice
Hopefully @nick writing an issue will work. I ducked out as I knew you would ask for a reproducible example and that is not that easy - especially when no errors are printed
Then restarted computer blogdown::serve_site() v(0.2) appears to work fine. Looks good in RStudio viewer, opens in browser and i can click links to posts
blogdown::hugo_build() appears to run fine. No errors but a very small index.xml file (39,138 cf 13,612,366 on my remote site)
If I open the public/post/index.html file it works but of course links from it relate to the remote web site
I'm not clear where the post .html files are. Obviously I do not want to deploy and have all my 50+ posts disappear