Blogdown serve-site() aborting R session

Thanks! Does this crash RStudio?

  '', p <- servr:::random_port(),
  list(call = function(req) list(
    status = 200L, body = 'Hello world!',
    headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/plain')
readLines(paste0('', p), warn = F)


That works fine, too

However, my issue is no longer the crashing which appears to be solved by your suggestion above
It's that I'm concerned that my hugo_build is building such a small index.xmland the location of the html files for each post

The output from the initial command for me is similar:

[1] "211126576"
[1] "Hello world!"
[1] 0

The subsequent block of code doesn't crash either -- not at first. If I run it several times (realizing I'm creating multiple servers), it crashes.

After some more investigation, I'm suspecting there is something that isn't thread safe and create a race condition when multiple servers are running. The following code will reliably crash R while reading from the second server:

  '', p <- servr:::random_port(),
  list(call = function(req) list(
    status = 200L, body = 'Hello world!',
    headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/plain')
res <- replicate(100, readLines(paste0('', p), warn = F))

  '', p <- servr:::random_port(),
  list(call = function(req) list(
    status = 200L, body = 'Hello world!',
    headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/plain')
res <- replicate(100, readLines(paste0('', p), warn = F))

That explains part of why I was getting inconsistent results with daemonized servers.

Thanks! That is helpful to me, although I have no idea how to fix this problem. A blind shot in the dark is to test the devel version of httpuv if you have Rtools installed: (which includes a newer version of libuv).

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

When your work devolves to dealing with race conditions in Windows, it may be time to run away...

Installing the devel version of httpuv made things worse in a very confusing manner. Even without repeating it, the first readLines statement hangs, then eventually produces ERROR: [on_request_read] connection reset by peer and aborts R. However, if I use Chrome to access the server, it works fine.

It also doesn't solve the original problem, in that if I create two servers and connect to one with Chrome, refreshing several times crashes R.

I highly recommend you find someone that you can argue should care about this more than you and then take my original advice to run. :wink:

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Okay, I'll run as quickly as I can :joy:, while Cc'ing @jcheng @winston