I made the following 25 network graphs (all copies for simplicity):
data = data.frame(tibble(d = paste(1:n)))
relations = data.frame(tibble(
from = sample(data$d),
to = lead(from, default=from[1]),
data$name = c("new york", "chicago", "los angeles", "orlando", "houston", "seattle", "washington", "baltimore", "atlanta", "las vegas", "oakland", "phoenix", "kansas", "miami", "newark" )
graph = graph_from_data_frame(relations, directed=T, vertices = data)
V(graph)$color <- ifelse(data$d == relations$from[1], "red", "orange")
plot(graph, layout=layout.circle, edge.arrow.size = 0.2, main = "my_graph")
a = visIgraph(graph)
y = x = w = v = u = t = s = r = q = p = o = n = m = l = k = j = i = h = g = f = e = d = c = b = a
I would like to "tile" them as 5 x 5 : Since these are interactive html plots - I used the following command:
ff = combineWidgets(y , x , w , v , u , t , s , r , q , p , o , n , m , l , k , j , i , h , g , f , e , d , c , b , a)
htmltools::save_html(html = ff, file = "widgets.html")
I found out how to add a zoom option for each individual graph:
a = visIgraph(graph) %>%
visInteraction(navigationButtons = TRUE)
y = x = w = v = u = t = s = r = q = p = o = n = m = l = k = j = i = h = g = f = e = d = c = b = a
ff = combineWidgets(y , x , w , v , u , t , s , r , q , p , o , n , m , l , k , j , i , h , g , f , e , d , c , b , a)
htmltools::save_html(html = ff, file = "widgets.html")
But now the "zoom" options have "cluttered" all the graphs!
I was thinking it might be better to "stack" all these graphs on top of each other and save each graph as a "group type" - and then hide/unhide as we please:
visNetwork(data, relations) %>%
visOptions(selectedBy = "group")
Can we put all 25 graphs on one page and then "zoom" into each individual graph to view it better (e.g. have only one set of zoom/navigation buttons in the corner of the screen that works for all graphs)?
Can we put all 25 graphs on one page and then "hide" individual graphs by "checking" an option menu button? (like the last example on this page: Options)
Can someone please recommend a way of addressing this clutter problem?
Thank you!