To foster relationships among people doing similar work we’ve made time and arranged spaces for 9 total Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions.They will be held during breakfast and lunch, so you can grab a meal and head to your preferred BoF room.
Some topics seem obvious to us. For example, we will definitely set aside rooms for Life Sciences, Financial Services, Education, and Business Operations Analytics BoFs (the latter will include sales & marketing, human resources, product science, customer support, IT and similar departmental analytics). However, BoFs don’t have to be aligned by industry or type of data.
What exactly is a Birds of a Feather Session? As we see it, a BoF is just a short unconference within a conference, organized or left un-organized (mostly) by participants! Topics may be narrow or broad. Some may have agendas and others may be purely for networking. At a minimum, each room will have a friendly RStudio proctor, chairs, a screen to present, and flipcharts for those who are inspired to create discussion sub-groups, share material broadly, or collaborate.
What Birds of a Feather sessions would you like to attend?
We'd like to encourage y'all to start proposing and upvoting in replies below!
Once the BoF session topics are decided, we’ll load them into our mobile app for the conference (under construction - stay tuned). This, along with, will allow for Pre-BoF discussions so you can hit the ground running in San Diego!.
Some folks I think will be interested:
@kmprioli, @thomas, @taras, @daattali