You can make a package in 20 minutes

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You can make a package in 20 minutes

Creating an R package can be a daunting task if you have only used R interactively, in notebooks or scripts. This talk will demystify the process creation process by going from a simple R script and turning it into a fully fledged package complete with documentation, README, examples and tests all in only twenty minutes! Along the way you will be introduced to useful functions for package development from the devtools and usethis packages, as well as the best places to find information about package development.

You can make a package in 20 minutes, Jim Hester, @jimhester_

Jim Hester - Software Engineer
Jim is a software engineer at RStudio working with Hadley to build better tools for data science. He is the author of a number of R packages including lintr and covr, tools to provide code linting and test coverage for R.