I need to draw a proportion graph with ylim = c(0,100).
Everything is fine and I draw the graph.
But, I also need the space that range in (100,140) in order to add a coma with a p-value. If want my y-axis to stop at 100, therefore if I do with ylim = c(0,140), my y-axis goes too high.
I thought yaxs would solve my problem, but this is not the use he is made for according to documentation.
I put below the entire code of the graph. What is the command to solve the problem ?
#Graphic of Consistency for First Task
prop.tableorder <- c(prop.tablempl1[2],prop.tablecbt1[2])
bb <- barplot(prop.tableorder, names.arg = c("ConsMPL1", "ConscMPL1"), ylab = "Proportion", col = "cornflowerblue", border = 1, ylim = c(0,140), las = 1)
#Add Confidence Intervals to the graph
segments(bb[1,],72.193,bb[1,],85.226, lwd = 1)
arrows(bb[1,],72.193,bb[1,],85.226, lwd = 1,angle = 90, code = 3, length = 0.05)
segments(bb[2,],58.255,bb[2,],73.358, lwd = 1)
arrows(bb[2,],58.255,bb[2,],73.358, lwd = 1,angle = 90, code = 3, length = 0.05)
text(bb[1], prop.tableorder[1] + 15, labels = prop.tableorder[1], cex=.8)
text(bb[2], prop.tableorder[2] + 15, labels = prop.tableorder[2], cex=.8)
#Test of equality of means (used for verification)
t.test(data_order1$consistent_cbt,data_order1$consistent_mpl, var.equal=TRUE)
text(x = 1.3, y = 112, '{', srt = 270, cex = 10, family = 'Helvetica Neue UltraLight')
text(x = 1.3, y = 127, 'Pr(T > t) = 0.0111')