Hi everyone
i started to use Rmarkdown yesterday but I can't knit my Rmd in html. When I try to do it, I have this error
Error in yaml::yaml.load(..., eval.expr = TRUE) :
unused argument (eval.expr = TRUE)
Calls: <Anonymous> ... parse_yaml_front_matter -> yaml_load -> <Anonymous>
I use R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31),See below the head of my Rmd
title: "Analyse Helminthosporiose Camargue 2018"
author: "Mathias Frontini"
date: "7 fevrier 2019"
html_document: default
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
#Nb de lésions et pourcentage nécrosé
## Insertion et travail du tableau
```{r 1}
remove (list=ls())
directory="D:/Mes Donnees/manips/C_Camargue/NIS/analyse_helminto/lesion"
R 3.3.2
is an old version. You may have an old version of yaml

appeared in 2.1.19
See https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/yaml/ChangeLog
You must have a version of yaml
that correspond to the one that knitr needs. knitr 1.21
needs yaml
>= 2.1.19 (see cran page)
Can you check the version of your
Can you upgrade all your components ?
You'll need to get the correct version otherwise. The CRAN time machine for MRAN could help get the
at the date of 3.3.2
It works !! Indeed it was a R version problem
Thanks a lot
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