I have a blog that uses R Markdown. After a large package update (6 months worth), when I try to rebuild the site. I get an error message:
> blogdown:::serve_site()
Error: logged 2 error(s)
Error in yaml.load(readLines(con), error.label = error.label, ...) :
(/tmp/Rtmpz0fjQs/file651f32dd9890.md) Parser error: did not find expected <document start> at line 16, column 1
My understanding is that since rebuilding the site looks at all the Rmd files, this message could pertain to any of them? In any event, I verified the headers for the file I have been changing lately, and it passed. (using https://codebeautify.org/yaml-validator).
I am absolutely stumped. Don't really know what to look at or what to look for. Any suggestions for a strategy would be very welcome.
This is the first part of the currently active file, past line 16.
title: Early Voting Harris County
author: Alan Jackson
date: '2020-10-18'
- Voting
- Covid-19
- Houston
- Mapping
keywords: tech
slug: early-voting-harris-county.en-us
## Let's take a look at the early voting data for Harris County
Since I already have a bunch of data for Harris County precincts
and zip codes, why not make some use of it?