Hey all,
I have the following code to plot a graph:
ggplot(merged,aes(x = as.factor(`Branch Code`),y = as.factor(`Case Type`))) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,vjust=0.5),axis.title.x=element_text(vjust=-1),plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) + ggtitle("Distribution of case types") + xlab("Branch Code") + ylab("Case Type")
This gives me the following graph:
However, the y-axis labels are not equally/regularly spaced as they should be...
I have a minimal reproducible example below.
Would anybody be able to give me a helping hand?
structure(list(`Branch Code` = c(80012, 80012, 80012, 80012,
80012, 80012), `Location Type` = c("Rural", "Rural", "Rural",
"Rural", "Rural", "Rural"), Type = c("LM", "LM", "LM", "LM",
"LM", "LM"), Status = c("Open", "Open", "Open", "Open", "Open",
"Open"), Segment = c("Agency", "Agency", "Agency", "Agency",
"Agency", "Agency"), `Multiple (partner that owns multiple branches)` = c("Multiple 13",
"Multiple 13", "Multiple 13", "Multiple 13", "Multiple 13", "Multiple 13"
), RetailType = c("Convenience", "Convenience", "Convenience",
"Convenience", "Convenience", "Convenience"), `Volume of transactions` = c(1130,
1130, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1130), `Open hours` = c(108.25, 108.25,
108.25, 108.25, 108.25, 108.25), `X Pos` = c(551872, 551872,
551872, 551872, 551872, 551872), `Y Pos` = c(170269, 170269,
170269, 170269, 170269, 170269), Urbanity = c("Medium Density",
"Medium Density", "Medium Density", "Medium Density", "Medium Density",
"Medium Density"), `Case Reference Number` = c("1967808-C5F1P3",
"1962373-N7X5C2", "2052107-N2R3C8", "2122905-K9T0M7", "2149177-H3W7C9",
"2143459-L4X2D8"), `Created On` = structure(c(1625672980, 1625233808,
1632225098, 1637064726, 1638808983, 1638376615), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), `Branch Type` = c("Main", "Main", "Main", "Main",
"Main", "Main"), L1 = c("Back Office", "Mails", "Mails", "DVLA",
"DVLA", "Post Office - ATM"), L2 = c("Cash Handling and Distribution",
"Accounting and Despatch", "Redirection", "Counter Procedure",
"Methods of payment", "Post Office - ATM"), L3 = c("Bank Holiday Arrangements",
"Despatch Report", "Counter Procedure", "Reversal", "Methods of Payment",
"Post Office - ATM"), L4 = c("Bank Holiday Arrangements", "Correcting/Resolving",
"Business", "After Cut Off", "Methods of Payment", "QR Code is not scanning Error Handling"
), `Case Type` = c("Question", "Question", "Question", "Question",
"Question", "Question")), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))