y axis break with gg.gap

Hello everyone,

I am trying to break a y axis on boxplot.

For some reason did not manage with gap.boxplot!:frowning:

Finally found another package "gg.gap"!!!

p1<-ggplot(termin, aes(y=score, x=WR, fill=Time, )) +
facet_wrap(~SB, scale= "free")+
scale_fill_futurama(palette=c("planetexpress")) +
guides(colour=FALSE) +
labs(title = "Terminally branched FAs",
subtitle = get_test_label(res.aov, detailed = TRUE))+
ylab( "% of total PLFA")+
xlab(" ")+
theme(axis.title.y = element_text( size= 12))+
theme(title = element_text(size=10) ,legend.position = "none", plot.subtitle =element_text(size=10),
strip.text.x = element_text(margin = margin(0.05,0,0.05,0, "cm")))

p1<- gg.gap(plot=p1,
ylim=c(0,100), margin = c(top = 2, right = 1, bottom = 1, left = 1))

the problem is that it adds all the titles also in between the two parts of the graph

Could anyone kindely recommend a solution how to remove that. or an alternative way to break the axis. I am getting
gap.boxplot(termin, gap=c(20,80))
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors with gap.boxplot.
Already tried to convert to data frame but that didn't help :frowning:

I copied the code for gg.gap to make my own version.

mygg.gap <- function (plot, ylim, segments, tick_width, rel_heights, vjust = 0, 
          margin = c(top = 1, right = 2, bottom = 1, left = 1), ...) 
  if (!is.list(segments)) {
    segments = list(segments)
  if (all(missing(ylim), is.null(plot$coordinates$limits$y))) {
    stop("ylim is undefined")
  else if (ylim[1] == ylim[2]) {
    stop("ylim should not be the same number")
  else if (missing(ylim)) {
    ylim = plot$coordinates$limits$y
  for (j in 1:length(segments)) {
    seg1 = segments[[j]][1]
    seg2 = segments[[j]][2]
    if (seg1 > seg2) {
      if (ylim[1] < ylim[2]) {
        msg = paste0("No.", j, " segment: c(", 
                     seg1, ",", seg2, ") is wrong. It should be ", 
                     "c(", seg2, ",", seg1, ")")
    else if (seg1 < seg2) {
      if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
        msg = paste0("No.", j, " segment: c(", 
                     seg1, ",", seg2, ") is wrong. It should be ", 
                     "c(", seg2, ",", seg1, ")")
    else if (seg1 == seg2) {
      msg = paste0("No.", j, " segment: c(", 
                   seg1, ",", seg2, ") is wrong. tick_width should not be equal")
  if (length(segments) >= 2) {
    if (ylim[1] < ylim[2]) {
      for (k in 2:length(segments)) {
        pre.2 = segments[[k - 1]][2]
        suf.1 = segments[[k]][1]
        if (pre.2 > suf.1) {
          pre = paste0("c(", segments[[k - 1]][1], 
                       ",", segments[[k - 1]][2], ")")
          suf = paste0("c(", segments[[k]][1], 
                       ",", segments[[k]][2], ")")
          msg = paste0("Segments ", k - 1, " and ", 
                       k, ": ", pre, ",", suf, " are wrong. They should be ", 
                       suf, ",", pre)
    else if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
      for (k in 2:length(segments)) {
        pre.2 = segments[[k - 1]][2]
        suf.1 = segments[[k]][1]
        if (pre.2 < suf.1) {
          pre = paste0("c(", segments[[k - 1]][1], 
                       ",", segments[[k - 1]][2], ")")
          suf = paste0("c(", segments[[k]][1], 
                       ",", segments[[k]][2], ")")
          msg = paste0("Segments ", k - 1, " and ", 
                       k, ": ", pre, ",", suf, " are wrong. They should be ", 
                       suf, ",", pre)
  if (ylim[1] < ylim[2]) {
    if (min(unlist(segments)) <= ylim[1]) 
      stop("the minimum of segments must be more than the minium of ylim")
    if (max(unlist(segments)) > ylim[2]) 
      stop("the maximum of segments must be lower than maximum of ylim")
  else if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
    if (min(unlist(segments)) <= ylim[2]) 
      stop("the minimum of segments must be more than the minium of ylim")
    if (max(unlist(segments)) > ylim[1]) 
      stop("the maximum of segments must be lower than maximum of ylim")
  if (missing(tick_width)) {
    tick_width = rep(abs(ylim[2] - ylim[1])/10, (length(segments) + 
  if ((length(tick_width) - length(segments)) < 1) {
    int_len = length(tick_width)
    for (m in (int_len + 1):(length(segments) + 1)) {
      tick_width[m] = tick_width[int_len]
  seg_heights = 0
  y_heights = 1
  if (length(seg_heights) < length(segments)) {
    seg_heights_len = length(seg_heights)
    for (m in (seg_heights_len + 1):length(segments)) {
      seg_heights[m] = seg_heights[seg_heights_len]
  if (length(y_heights) < (length(segments) + 1)) {
    y_heights_len = length(y_heights)
    for (m in (y_heights_len + 1):(length(segments) + 1)) {
      y_heights[m] = y_heights[y_heights_len]
  if (length(plot$scales$scales) == 0) {
    trans = "identity"
  else if ("trans" %in% names(plot$scales$scales[[1]])) {
    trans = plot$scales$scales[[1]]$trans
  else {
    trans = "identity"
  if ("reverse" %in% trans) {
    if (ylim[1] < ylim[2]) {
      msg = paste0("ylim: ", "c(", ylim[1], 
                   ",", ylim[2], ")", " is wrong. It should be ", 
                   "c(", ylim[2], ",", ylim[1], ")")
  if ("identity" %in% trans) {
    if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
      msg = paste0("ylim: ", "c(", ylim[1], 
                   ",", ylim[2], ")", " is wrong. It should be ", 
                   "c(", ylim[2], ",", ylim[1], ")")
  for (i in 1:length(segments)) {
    gap = unlist(segments[i])
    if (i == 1) {
      if (ylim[1] < ylim[2]) {
        breaks = seq(ylim[1], gap[1], by = tick_width[i])
      else if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
        breaks = seq(gap[1], ylim[1], by = tick_width[i])

      p_segment.i <- plot + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(ylim[1], 
                                                     gap[1])) + theme(panel.border = element_blank()) + 
        theme(axis.line.y = element_line(), axis.line.x.bottom = element_line(), 
              plot.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") + 
        scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), trans = trans, 
                           breaks = breaks) + ylab(label = NULL)

      p_segment = list(p_segment.i)
      names(p_segment)[length(p_segment)] = i
      rel_heigh = c(y_heights[i], seg_heights[i])
    else {
      if (ylim[1] < ylim[2]) {
        breaks = seq(ylim[1], gap[1], by = tick_width[i])
      else if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
        breaks = seq(gap[1], ylim[1], by = tick_width[i])
      p_segment.i <- plot + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(unlist(segments[i - 
                                                                       1])[2], gap[1])) + theme(panel.border = element_blank()) + 
        theme(axis.line.y = element_line(), legend.position = "none", 
              axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), 
              title = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank()) + 
        scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = breaks, 
                           trans = trans) + ylab(label = NULL)  
      p_segment = c(p_segment, list(NULL), list(p_segment.i))
      names(p_segment)[length(p_segment)] = i
      rel_heigh = c(rel_heigh, y_heights[i], seg_heights[i])
    if (i == length(segments)) {
      if (ylim[1] < ylim[2]) {
        breaks = seq(gap[2], ylim[2], by = tick_width[i + 
      else if (ylim[1] > ylim[2]) {
        breaks = seq(ylim[2], gap[2], by = tick_width[i + 
      p_segment.i <- plot + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(gap[2], 
                                                     ylim[2])) + theme(panel.border = element_blank()) + 
        theme(axis.line.y = element_line(), axis.line.x.top = element_line(), 
              legend.position = "none", axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
              axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank()) + 
        scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = breaks, 
                           trans = trans) + ylab(label = NULL) 
      p_segment = c(p_segment, list(NULL), list(p_segment.i))
      names(p_segment)[length(p_segment)] = i + 1
      rel_heigh = c(rel_heigh, y_heights[i])
  num_parts <- length(p_segment)
  sbt <- p_segment[[1]]$labels$subtitle
  p_segment <- purrr::map(p_segment,
                          ~ if(is.ggplot(.)) {.+labs(subtitle=NULL)} else {NULL})
  p_segment = rev(p_segment)
  p_segment[[1]]$labels$subtitle <- sbt
  if (missing(rel_heights)) {
    rel_heights = rev(rel_heigh)
  else {
    rel_heights = rev(rel_heights)
  if (is.null(plot$theme$axis.title.y$angle)) {
    angle = 90
  else {
    angle = plot$theme$axis.title.y$angle
  plot_grid(plotlist = p_segment, ncol = 1, align = "v", 
            rel_heights = rel_heights) + theme(plot.margin = unit(margin, 
                                                                  "cm")) + draw_label(label = plot$labels$y, x = 0, 
                                                                                      hjust = plot$theme$axis.title.y$hjust, vjust = vjust, 
                                                                                      fontfamily = plot$theme$axis.title.y$family, fontface = plot$theme$axis.title.y$face, 
                                                                                      size = plot$theme$axis.title.y$size, angle = angle, lineheight = plot$theme$axis.title.y$lineheight, 
                                                                                      colour = plot$theme$axis.title.y$colour)

Then I used it to run a similar example

p<-ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = gear, fill = gear)) +
  geom_bar() +
  labs(title="some title",
       subtitle="my subt") +


single subtitle

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Thank you very much for taking time for this, unfortunately, I am still getting 2 subtitles :slight_smile:

does it work at least when you use my data example rather than yours ?

It worked!!! Thanks so much!!!!

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