XML2 library: Question about correct usage of library, or have I found a bug related to performance


I am using the XML2 library to parse an xml file from clinvar dataset (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/), I am using using a smaller test files files consisting of correctly formatted records that are about 1M, 5M, 50M, and 500M (M- Megabytes), that are derived from a large 10G xml file.

The problem is that as the file get bigger, the time to process is exponentially getting longer. so the 1M file (about 120 records) takes about 8 seconds, whiles the 500M file takes days ...

The objective is to parse through the XML structure read in by xml2::xml_children(xml2::read_xml(filePathIn) ), and for each record, pull out the data using 'xml_attr', 'xml_attrs', 'xml_find_all %>% xml_text', etc. I want and create a tab separated file. I am using `mclapply() or below I used 'pbmclapply' as I was monitoring ETA, then creating a data.frame row, then writing it to file write away ... (yes it may be more efficient to cache a few rows and write less) ...

I have pasted an example below.

I do know there is the function xml2::as_list()' and that is fairly quick to pull the data in, then I could then use local R functions to get the data. For large XML files, is my only option to use xml2::as_list()'


  1. was this library intended be used this way. Because the process slows to a crawl. When writing the first record from a 1M file its immediate, when writing the first record from the 500M file it takes minutes. Aside from frequent appends to file ... it seems there is a problem in memory.

  2. for large XML files, and in this case, very complex documents, am I expected to just use xml2::as_list(), as its fast, and use local R means of peeling data out of the list.

  3. AM I noticing a bug or is this incorrect usage, and should write a reprex to the authors.

Thank you,


Brief example of code:

safe_getAttr and safe_getText are simple wrappers around xml_attr and xml_find_all, that tests the presences of the desired data and is guaranteed to return something I can control.

write_tsv(x = as.data.frame(colNames)
          , path = filePathOut, append = TRUE)

allRecords <- xml2::xml_children(xml2::read_xml(filePathIn) )

  xml2::xml_children(xml2::read_xml(filePathIn) ) %>% 
    pbmclapply( FUN = function(xml.record) {
      write_tsv(x = data.frame(
        ##### From ClinVarAssertion #####
        ClinVarAssertion_ID =  xml.record %>%
          safe_getAttr(attr = 'ID', attrType = 'char'
                               , path = 'ClinVarAssertion')
        ##### From clinVarAssertion.assertion #####
        , Assertion_Type = xml.record %>%
          safe_getAttr(attr = 'Type', attrType = 'char'
                               , path ='ClinVarAssertion/Assertion' )
        ##### From clinVarAssertion.clinicalSignificance #####
        #3 MULTI
        , ClinicalSignificance.ReviewStatus = paste(
          xml.record %>%
            safe_getText(type = 'char'
                                 , path = 'ClinVarAssertion/ClinicalSignificance/ReviewStatus')
          , collapse = ' | ')
        #4 MULTI
        , ClinicalSignificance.Description = paste(
          xml.record %>%
            safe_getText(type = 'char'
                                 , path = 'ClinVarAssertion/ClinicalSignificance/Description')
          , collapse = ' | ')

      ) , path = filePathOut, append = TRUE)
    }, mc.cores = 6 )

Example XML record:

<ClinVarSet ID="3115644">
  <Title>BRCA1:c.4357+2T&gt;G AND Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1</Title>
  <ReferenceClinVarAssertion DateCreated="2013-12-23" DateLastUpdated="2014-07-22" ID="190195">
    <ClinVarAccession Acc="RCV000077146" Version="2" Type="RCV" DateUpdated="2014-07-23" />
    <ClinicalSignificance DateLastEvaluated="2012-09-24">
      <ReviewStatus>classified by multiple submitters</ReviewStatus>
    <Assertion Type="variation to disease" />
        <Species TaxonomyId="9606">human</Species>
        <AffectedStatus>not provided</AffectedStatus>
        <MethodType>clinical testing</MethodType>
      <ObservedData ID="2681310">
        <Attribute integerValue="1" Type="VariantAlleles" />
        <Species TaxonomyId="9606">human</Species>
        <MethodType>clinical testing</MethodType>
      <ObservedData ID="2688253">
        <Attribute integerValue="1" Type="VariantAlleles" />
    <MeasureSet Type="Variant" ID="91629">  <!-- The VariantID for the [set of] alleles about which an assertion has been made -->
      <Measure Type="single nucleotide variant" ID="97106"> <!-- The AlleleID for a simple variant -->
          <ElementValue Type="Preferred">BRCA1:c.4357+2T&gt;G</ElementValue>
        <AttributeSet>  <!-- defining the allele by one or more HGVS expressions -->
          <Attribute Type="HGVS, coding, LRG" Change="c.4357+2T&gt;G">LRG_292t1:c.4357+2T&gt;G</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="HGVS, coding, RefSeq" Change="c.4357+2T&gt;G">NM_007294.3:c.4357+2T&gt;G</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="HGVS, genomic, LRG" Change="g.135582T&gt;G">LRG_292:g.135582T&gt;G</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="HGVS, genomic, RefSeqGene" Change="g.135582T&gt;G">NG_005905.2:g.135582T&gt;G</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="HGVS, genomic, top level" Change="g.43082402A&gt;C">NC_000017.11:g.43082402A&gt;C</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="HGVS, genomic, top level, previous" Change="g.41234419A&gt;C">NC_000017.10:g.41234419A&gt;C</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="HGVS, non-coding" Change="n.4476+2T&gt;G">U14680.1:n.4476+2T&gt;G</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="Location">U14680.1:intron 13</Attribute>
        <AttributeSet> <!-- Report of molecular consequence based on a specific transcript -->
          <Attribute Type="MolecularConsequence">splice donor variant</Attribute>
          <XRef ID="SO:0001575" DB="Sequence Ontology" />
          <XRef ID="NM_007294.3:c.4357+2T&gt;G" DB="RefSeq" />
          <Attribute Type="nucleotide change">IVS13+2T&gt;G</Attribute>
        <!-- defining the allele by one or more locations on a reference assembly, offset 1, location according to HGVS practice-->
        <SequenceLocation Assembly="GRCh38" Chr="17" Accession="NC_000017.11" start="43082402" stop="43082402" variantLength="1" referenceAllele="A" alternateAllele="C" />
        <SequenceLocation Assembly="GRCh37" Chr="17" Accession="NC_000017.10" start="41234419" stop="41234419" variantLength="1" referenceAllele="A" alternateAllele="C" />
        <MeasureRelationship Type="variant in gene"> <!-- relationship this location has to other annotations, in this case gene -->
            <ElementValue Type="Preferred">breast cancer 1, early onset</ElementValue>
            <ElementValue Type="Preferred">BRCA1</ElementValue>
          <SequenceLocation Assembly="GRCh37" Chr="17" Accession="NC_000017.10" start="41196311" stop="41277499" Strand="-" />
          <SequenceLocation Assembly="GRCh38" Chr="17" Accession="NC_000017.11" start="43044294" stop="43125482" Strand="-" />
          <XRef ID="672" DB="Gene" />
          <XRef Type="MIM" ID="113705" DB="OMIM" />
          <Comment DataSource="NCBI curation">This gene is cited in the ACMG recommendations of 2013 (PubMed 23788249) for reporting incidental findings in exons.</Comment>
        <!-- identifiers assigned to this location/allele in other databases -->
        <XRef ID="4476+2&amp;base_change=T to G" DB="Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) (BRCA1)" />
        <XRef Type="rs" ID="80358152" DB="dbSNP" />
        <Comment DataSource="Sharing Clinical Reports Project (SCRP)">Single site analysis</Comment>
        <ElementValue Type="preferred name">BRCA1:c.4357+2T&gt;G</ElementValue>
    <TraitSet Type="Disease" ID="1917"> <!-- The [set of] phenotypes about which the assertion has been made -->
      <Trait ID="4711" Type="Disease">  <!-- each phenotype-->
          <ElementValue Type="Preferred">Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1</ElementValue>
          <XRef ID="Breast-ovarian+cancer%2C+familial+1/7865" DB="Genetic Alliance" />
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">BREAST-OVARIAN CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1</ElementValue>
          <XRef Type="MIM" ID="604370" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0001" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0002" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0003" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0004" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0005" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0006" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0007" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0008" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0009" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0010" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0011" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0012" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0013" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0014" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0015" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0016" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0017" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0018" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0019" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0020" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0021" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0022" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0023" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0024" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0025" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0026" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0027" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0028" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0029" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0030" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0031" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0032" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0033" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0034" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0035" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0036" DB="OMIM" />
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="113705.0037" DB="OMIM" />
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">OVARIAN CANCER, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO</ElementValue>
          <XRef Type="Allelic variant" ID="602667.0001" DB="OMIM" />
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">BREAST CANCER, FAMILIAL, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 1</ElementValue>
          <XRef ID="604370" DB="OMIM" />
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">Breast cancer, familial 1</ElementValue>
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1 and 2</ElementValue>
          <XRef ID="GTR000310494" DB="Laboratory of Genetics,HUSLAB" />
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">BRCA1 Gene Mutation</ElementValue>
          <XRef ID="GTR000501743" DB="Myriad Genetic Laboratories,Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc." />
          <ElementValue Type="Preferred">BROVCA1</ElementValue>
          <XRef Type="MIM" ID="604370" DB="OMIM" />
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">BRCA1</ElementValue>
          <XRef ID="GTR000501196" DB="Department of Clinical Genetics,St. Elisabeth Cancer Institute" />
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">HBOC</ElementValue>
          <XRef ID="GTR000501743" DB="Myriad Genetic Laboratories,Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc." />
          <Attribute Type="public definition">Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC), caused by a germline mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, is characterized by an increased risk for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer. The lifetime risk for these cancers in individuals with a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2: 40%-80% for breast cancer. 11%-40% for ovarian cancer. 1%-10% for male breast cancer. Up to 39% for prostate cancer. 1%-7% for pancreatic cancer. Individuals with BRCA2 mutations may also be at an increased risk for melanoma. Prognosis for BRCA1/2-related cancer depends on the stage at which the cancer is diagnosed; however, studies on survival have revealed conflicting results for individuals with germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations when compared to controls.</Attribute>
          <XRef ID="NBK1247" DB="GeneReviews" />
          <Attribute Type="ModeOfInheritance" integerValue="262">Autosomal dominant inheritance</Attribute>
          <XRef ID="GTR000507913" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000507930" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509348" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509349" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000017876" DB="Molecular Genetics Laboratory - Diagnostics Genetics,LabPLUS - Auckland City Hospital" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512816" DB="Molecular Genetics Laboratory - Diagnostics Genetics,LabPLUS - Auckland City Hospital" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000501196" DB="Department of Clinical Genetics,St. Elisabeth Cancer Institute" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509980" DB="Michigan Medical Genetics Laboratories,University of Michigan" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509982" DB="Michigan Medical Genetics Laboratories,University of Michigan" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509983" DB="Michigan Medical Genetics Laboratories,University of Michigan" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509001" DB="GENETIX Centro de Investigación en Genética Humana y Reproductiva" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509002" DB="GENETIX Centro de Investigación en Genética Humana y Reproductiva" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000320777" DB="Unidad de Diagnostico Molecular,Instituto de Referencia Andino" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000330054" DB="Institute of Human Genetics,Universitätsmedizin Greifswald" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000021517" DB="Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory,London Health Sciences Centre" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000505644" DB="Centogene AG  - the Rare Disease Company,Centogene AG" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512320" DB="Centogene AG  - the Rare Disease Company,Centogene AG" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000501743" DB="Myriad Genetic Laboratories,Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc." />
          <XRef ID="GTR000501746" DB="Myriad Genetic Laboratories,Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc." />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512644" DB="CGC Genetics" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512645" DB="CGC Genetics" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000501817" DB="Molecular Genetics,Rabin Medical Center" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000325409" DB="Laboratory of Human Genetics,Health Care Center GENOMED" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509450" DB="Fulgent Clinical Diagnostics Lab,Fulgent Diagnostics " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509451" DB="Fulgent Clinical Diagnostics Lab,Fulgent Diagnostics " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509363" DB="Vanak Pathobiology Laboratory,Vanak Pathobiology Laboratory" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000507653" DB="PentaCoreLab" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000507764" DB="PentaCoreLab" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000514601" DB="Genomic Research Center,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences" />
          <Attribute Type="age of onset">Variable</Attribute>
          <XRef ID="145" DB="Orphanet" />
          <Attribute Type="disease mechanism" integerValue="273">loss of function</Attribute>
          <XRef ID="GTR000507913" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000507930" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509348" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509349" DB="Invitae " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000017876" DB="Molecular Genetics Laboratory - Diagnostics Genetics,LabPLUS - Auckland City Hospital" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512816" DB="Molecular Genetics Laboratory - Diagnostics Genetics,LabPLUS - Auckland City Hospital" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509980" DB="Michigan Medical Genetics Laboratories,University of Michigan" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509982" DB="Michigan Medical Genetics Laboratories,University of Michigan" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509983" DB="Michigan Medical Genetics Laboratories,University of Michigan" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509001" DB="GENETIX Centro de Investigación en Genética Humana y Reproductiva" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509002" DB="GENETIX Centro de Investigación en Genética Humana y Reproductiva" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000320777" DB="Unidad de Diagnostico Molecular,Instituto de Referencia Andino" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000330054" DB="Institute of Human Genetics,Universitätsmedizin Greifswald" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000021517" DB="Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory,London Health Sciences Centre" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000505644" DB="Centogene AG  - the Rare Disease Company,Centogene AG" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512320" DB="Centogene AG  - the Rare Disease Company,Centogene AG" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000501743" DB="Myriad Genetic Laboratories,Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc." />
          <XRef ID="GTR000501746" DB="Myriad Genetic Laboratories,Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc." />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512644" DB="CGC Genetics" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000512645" DB="CGC Genetics" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000501817" DB="Molecular Genetics,Rabin Medical Center" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000325409" DB="Laboratory of Human Genetics,Health Care Center GENOMED" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509450" DB="Fulgent Clinical Diagnostics Lab,Fulgent Diagnostics " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509451" DB="Fulgent Clinical Diagnostics Lab,Fulgent Diagnostics " />
          <XRef ID="GTR000509363" DB="Vanak Pathobiology Laboratory,Vanak Pathobiology Laboratory" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000507653" DB="PentaCoreLab" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000507764" DB="PentaCoreLab" />
          <XRef ID="GTR000514601" DB="Genomic Research Center,Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences" />
          <Attribute Type="prevalence">1-5 / 10 000</Attribute>
          <XRef ID="145" DB="Orphanet" />
          <Attribute Type="prevalence">Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) resulting from mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 is the most common form of both hereditary breast and ovarian cancers and occurs in all ethnic and racial populations. The overall prevalence of BRCA1/2 mutations is estimated to be from 1:400 to 1:800 [Ford et al 1994, Claus et al 1996, Whittemore et al 1997], but varies depending on ethnicity.</Attribute>
          <Citation Type="general">
          <Citation Type="general">
            <CitationText>Ford et al 1994, Claus et al 1996, Whittemore et al 1997</CitationText>
          <XRef ID="GTR000021517" DB="Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory,London Health Sciences Centre" />
        <Citation Type="review" Abbrev="GeneReviews">
          <ID Source="PubMed">20301425</ID>
        <Citation Type="practice guideline" Abbrev="ACOG, 2009">
          <ID Source="PubMed">19305347</ID>
        <Citation Type="practice guideline" Abbrev="ACS, 2007">
          <ID Source="PubMed">17392385</ID>
        <Citation Type="practice guideline" Abbrev="NSGC, 2004">
          <ID Source="PubMed">15604628</ID>
        <Citation Type="practice guideline" Abbrev="NSGC, 2007">
          <ID Source="PubMed">17508274</ID>
        <Citation Type="Recommendation" Abbrev="ACMG, 2013">
          <ID Source="PubMed">23788249</ID>
        <Citation Type="practice guideline" Abbrev="NCCN, 2013">
        <Citation Type="Position Statement" Abbrev="ASCO, 2010">
          <ID Source="PubMed">20065170</ID>
        <Citation Type="Suggested Reading" Abbrev="Phillips et al., 2013">
          <ID Source="PubMed">23918944</ID>
        <Citation Type="Suggested Reading" Abbrev="Domchek et al., 2010">
          <ID Source="pmc">2948529</ID>
        <XRef ID="C2676676" DB="MedGen" />
        <XRef ID="145" DB="Orphanet" />
        <XRef Type="MIM" ID="604370" DB="OMIM" />
  <!-- each submission contributing to this ClinVarSet-->
  <ClinVarAssertion ID="189345">
    <ClinVarSubmissionID localKey="SCRP_var_1220" title="NM_007294.3:c.4357+2T&gt;G AND Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1" submitterDate="2013-08-08" submitter="Sharing Clinical Reports Project (SCRP)" />
    <ClinVarAccession Acc="SCV000108943" Version="1" Type="SCV" OrgID="500037" DateUpdated="2014-06-23" />
    <ClinicalSignificance DateLastEvaluated="2012-09-24">
      <ReviewStatus>classified by single submitter</ReviewStatus>
    <Assertion Type="variation to disease" />
        <AffectedStatus>not provided</AffectedStatus>
        <MethodType>clinical testing</MethodType>
        <Attribute Type="VariantAlleles">1</Attribute>
    <MeasureSet Type="Variant">
      <Measure Type="Variation">
          <Attribute Type="nucleotide change">IVS13+2T&gt;G</Attribute>
        <MeasureRelationship Type="variant in gene">
            <ElementValue Type="Preferred">BRCA1</ElementValue>
    <TraitSet Type="Disease">
      <Trait Type="Disease">
          <ElementValue Type="Preferred">Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1</ElementValue>
  <ClinVarAssertion ID="261969">
    <ClinVarSubmissionID localKey="U14680.1:n.4476+2T&gt;G|MedGen:C2676676" submitter="Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) (BRCA1)" submitterDate="2014-03-28" />
    <ClinVarAccession Acc="SCV000145071" Version="1" Type="SCV" OrgID="504196" DateUpdated="2014-06-23" />
    <ClinicalSignificance DateLastEvaluated="1999-06-22">
      <ReviewStatus>classified by single submitter</ReviewStatus>
    <Assertion Type="variation to disease" />
        <Species TaxonomyId="9606">human</Species>
        <MethodType>clinical testing</MethodType>
        <Attribute Type="VariantAlleles" integerValue="1" />
    <MeasureSet Type="Variant">
      <Measure Type="Variation">
          <ElementValue Type="Alternate">IVS13+2T&gt;G</ElementValue>
          <Attribute Type="Location">U14680.1:intron 13</Attribute>
          <Attribute Type="HGVS">U14680.1:n.4476+2T&gt;G</Attribute>
        <XRef DB="dbSNP" ID="80358152" Type="rsNumber" />
    <TraitSet Type="Disease">
      <Trait Type="Disease">
          <ElementValue Type="Preferred">Breast-ovarian cancer, familial 1</ElementValue>
        <XRef DB="MedGen" ID="C2676676" Type="CUI" />

Hi, Peter,

I've been away from XML for a good time, so I can only speak in generalities about this situation. A definite FWIW

xml2 is built atop the libxml2 C library, which does the heavy lifting. And it's a relatively mature (v1.3.0) package, so there's presumably been time for this kind of scaling issue to surface if it's intrinsic. It also appears, from a thread last year that the functions and arguments chosen can greatly affect performance time, in general.

This thread discusses using a single xpath expression assembled with paste that speeds things up for the case discussed there.

Looking at it from 30,000 feet, the chain of function calls


just feels that read/write/read/write/read/write might be where the slowdown happens, especially on a non-SSD drive.

1 Like

Just a recall about cross-post policy (FAQ: Is it OK if I cross-post?).

And also for reference, the issue opened in GH

1 Like

I don't know it will be more quick on large file but using XPATH, you could directly get the content you seek I think.

This will prevent to iterate on each children I think.

I may not have understood your example correctly though... :thinking:
Without the safe wrapper you made, it was not easy to reproduce.


xml <- read_xml("test.xml")

ClinVarAssertion_ID  <- xml %>%
  xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion[@ID]") %>%

Assertion_Type <- xml %>%
  xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion/Assertion[@Type]") %>%

ClinicalSignificance_ReviewStatus <- xml %>%
  xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion/ClinicalSignificance/ReviewStatus") %>%

ClinicalSignificance_Description <- xml %>%
  xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion/ClinicalSignificance/Description") %>%

  ClinVarAssertion_ID = ClinVarAssertion_ID,
  Assertion_Type = Assertion_Type,
  ClinicalSignificance_ReviewStatus = ClinicalSignificance_ReviewStatus,
  ClinicalSignificance_Description = ClinicalSignificance_Description
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4
#>   ClinVarAssertion~ Assertion_Type   ClinicalSignificance_~ ClinicalSignificanc~
#>   <chr>             <chr>            <chr>                  <chr>               
#> 1 189345            variation to di~ classified by single ~ Pathogenic          
#> 2 261969            variation to di~ classified by single ~ Pathogenic

Created on 2020-04-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9001)

hope it helps.


Thank you, cderv for bringing my attention to the rules. I suspect that its a usage issue on my part, not a bug and it should be handled here. Any reason you extract each element before building the tibble? I noticed the usage of [@] which I did not use ...
your example:

ClinVarAssertion_ID <- xml %>%
xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion[@ID]") %>%

What happened with this [@ID]. ? Could it be that without it, I am just causing the magic in the back end to constantly traverse the structure.

Here are the safe functions, basically its an if else testing for the presence of an what we are trying to get, then fetch.

I thought I needed to do this to make sure I am filling the variable in the data.frame with something when I build it. However perhaps removing all that then just cleaning up after I make the row would be better, using the


safe_getAttrs <- function(.data, attrType = 'char', path = '.' ) {
    assertive::is_matching_fixed(x = class(.data), pattern = 'xml_nodeset',)
    assertive::is_true(stringr::str_detect(attrType,pattern = '\\w'))
    assertive::is_true(stringr::str_detect(path,pattern = '\\w'))

    if (dplyr::is_grouped_df(.data)) {
        return(dplyr::do(.data, safe_getAttrs(.)))

        test = {
                xml_find_all(.data, path) %>%
                    xml2::xml_attrs() %>% unlist() %>% data.frame() ) |
                        ifelse(test = length(xml2::xml_find_all(.data, path) %>%
                                                 xml2::xml_attrs() %>% unlist() %>% data.frame()) == 0
                               , yes = 'None'
                               , no = paste(
                                   rownames( .data %>% xml2::xml_find_all(path) %>% xml2::xml_attrs() %>% unlist() %>% data.frame() )
                                   , ( .data %>% xml2::xml_find_all(path) %>% xml2::xml_attrs() %>% unlist() %>% data.frame() )[,1], sep=":"
        , yes = {
            result <- switch(attrType
                             , char = 'None'
                             , int = 'NaN'
                             , date = '0000-00-00'
                             , 'NA')
        , no =
            result <- paste(
                    rownames( .data %>% xml2::xml_find_all(path) %>% xml2::xml_attrs() %>% unlist() %>% data.frame() )
                    , ( .data %>% xml2::xml_find_all(path) %>% xml2::xml_attrs() %>% unlist() %>% data.frame() )[,1]
                    , sep=":")

    assertive::is_true(stringr::str_detect(result,pattern = '\\w'))



safe_getTextstrong text

safe_getText <- function(.data, type = NULL, path = '.' ) {
    assertive::is_matching_fixed(x = class(.data), pattern = 'xml_nodeset',)
    assertive::is_true(stringr::str_detect(path,pattern = '\\w'))

    if (dplyr::is_grouped_df(.data)) {
        return(dplyr::do(.data, safe_getText(.)))

        test = {
                xml_find_all(.data, path) %>%
                    xml_text(trim = TRUE)) |
                        ifelse(test = length(xml_find_all(.data, path) %>%
                                                 xml_text(trim = TRUE)) == 0
                               , yes = 'None'
                               , no = xml_find_all(.data, path) %>%
                                   xml2::xml_text(trim = TRUE)
        , yes = {
            result <- switch(type
                             , char = 'None'
                             , int = 'NaN'
                             , date = '0000-00-00'
                             , 'NA')
        , no =
            result <- xml_find_all(.data, path) %>%
            xml2::xml_text(trim = TRUE)

    assertive::is_true(stringr::str_detect(result,pattern = '\\w'))


So this is what I came up with, following a correct syntax with cdervsr's example without the multiple calls in the safe functions, using tibble instead of data.frame

I have to assume that my slowdown is in the safe functions, with all those tests/traversals. So I am going to not worry about what is returned for the time being. The problem is that in these records, some parts are not present ... the model that the xml is based on is not strict enough, and does not guarantee that what you are looking for is there

I will remove all the safe functions and use the calls in the example below ... There are 40 more columns to extract ...

        ##### From ClinVarAssertion #####
        ClinVarAssertion_ID =  xml.record %>%
          xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion[@ID]") %>%
        ##### From clinVarAssertion.assertion #####
        , Assertion_Type = xml.record %>%
          xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion/Assertion[@Type]") %>%
        ##### From clinVarAssertion.clinicalSignificance #####
        #3 MULTI
        , ClinicalSignificance.ReviewStatus = 
          xml.record %>%
            xml_find_all("ClinVarAssertion/ClinicalSignificance/ReviewStatus") %>%
        #4 MULTI
        , ClinicalSignificance.Description = 
          xml.record %>%
            xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion/ClinicalSignificance/Description") %>%
        ##### From ClinVarAccession #####
        #5  Multi
        , ClinVarAccession = paste(
            names(unlist(xml.record %>%
                           xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion/ClinVarAccession") %>%
                           xml_attrs() ))
            unname(unlist(xml.record %>%
                          xml_find_all("./ClinVarAssertion/ClinVarAccession") %>%
                          xml_attrs() ))
          , sep  = ':'
          , collapse = ' | '
# A tibble: 2 x 5
  ClinVarAssertion_… Assertion_Type    ClinicalSignificance.Re… ClinicalSignificance.D… ClinVarAccession                                                                    
  <chr>              <chr>             <chr>                    <chr>                   <chr>                                                                               
1 189345             variation to dis… classified by single su… Pathogenic              Acc:SCV000108943 | Version:1 | Type:SCV | OrgID:500037 | DateUpdated:2014-06-23 | A…
2 261969             variation to dis… classified by single su… Pathogenic              Acc:SCV000108943 | Version:1 | Type:SCV | OrgID:500037 | DateUpdated:2014-06-23 | A…

This is a XPATH predicate syntax that means to select only node ClinVarAssertion with an ID attribute.
XPATH can be a powerful syntax.

See XPath Syntax

You can do this inside the tibble creation if you prefer.

I think a lot happens in there, and it can slow down your xml extraction. You should test as much using XPATH predicate if possible, then deals with the filtering after word.

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