X-Sessions at rstudio::global

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.rstudio.com/2021/01/11/x-sessions-at-rstudio-global

Photo by Jeffery Ho on Unsplash

When you registered for rstudio::global(2021), you might have noticed a question asking if you were interested in participating in any hands-on sponsored sessions prior to the conference. To kick off rstudio::global, some of our sponsors are hosting industry and professionally focused sessions the days leading up to our 24-hour marathon on January 21st.

X-Sessions are 3-hour themed events made up of pre-recorded tool shares, case studies, and live hands-on sessions. The material in each session is organized by industry, and it is a great chance for sponsors to show their unique offerings with RStudio professional products.

The goals of these sessions are to create smaller, unique experiences tailored to specific use cases where learners can test drive different professional products and learn alongside their peers.

The three X-Sessions we’re offering this year are:

  1. Mastering Shiny with Appsilon: from Development to Deployment
  2. Powering Enterprise Analytics at Scale Using Teradata Vantage & RStudio
  3. R in Pharma with ProCogia

Mastering Shiny with Appsilon: from Development to Deployment

Wednesday, January 20th at 9am ET

Appsilon has developed some of the world’s most advanced Shiny dashboards. That’s why Fortune 500 companies routinely approach them to create enterprise Shiny apps. In this hands-on session Appsilon will cover:

  • Best practices for developing Shiny apps
  • Styling Shiny with CSS and SASS
  • Speeding up Shiny apps with updateInput and JavaScript
  • Deploying Shiny apps with RStudio Connect
  • Scaling Shiny to hundreds (or thousands) of users
  • Doing more with Shiny: shiny.react , shiny.fluent , and beyond

This Masterclass is intended for all levels. Whether you are just getting started with Shiny or you’re a Shiny wizard, there’s something here for you to learn.

Powering Enterprise Analytics at Scale Using Teradata Vantage & RStudio

Tuesday, January 19th & Wednesday, January 20th at 4pm ET

Immerse yourself in a hands-on virtual data science workshop. Find out how Teradata Vantage™ and RStudio let you use your favorite analytic tools, languages, and algorithms to get answers, solve problems, and accelerate outcomes.

Teradata’s analytic and data science experts will guide you through advanced analytic techniques on the Vantage analytics platform. You’ll gain hands-on experience following a clear data science process that addresses a real-world use case covering these objectives:

  • Implementing Machine Learning functions in predictive R and Python models
  • Deploying predictive models on server clusters using RStudio’s Launcher
  • Creating native applications using Vantage Analyst and AppCenter to deliver interactive visualizations
  • Understanding Teradata’s native analytic functions, open-source language support, and ecosystem tools and diversity
  • Gaining a fundamental understanding of Vantage implementations to address diverse analytic use cases

R in Pharma with ProCogia

Tuesday, January 19th at 12pm ET

Hosted by ProCogia and members of R/Pharma, this session will be made up of talks from industry experts along with a live hands-on workshop. This is a great opportunity to learn and get inspired about new capabilities for creating compelling analyses with applications in drug development using open source languages. Industry leaders from pharmaceutical organizations will share their experiences and best practices for advancing drug development and clinical trials.

This short course will provide a hands-on introduction to flexible and powerful tools for statistical analysis, reproducible research, and interactive visualizations. The workshop will include an overview of the Tidyverse for clinical data wrangling, how to build Shiny apps and R Markdown documents, as well as visualizations using HTML Widgets for R.

How do I sign up?

Registration for the X-Sessions is available in the sign-up menu when you register for rstudio::global. If you’ve already registered for global and would like to add an X-Session to your agenda, you can do so by updating your profile and selecting the session you’re interested in. Participants can join at any point during the 3-hour session, however we recommend registering in advance so that the team can provide you with the required materials to follow along.

Unable to participate? All of the material during the X-Sessions will be recorded and available to view in the Sponsor Gallery during rstudio::global.