Hi there,
I hava a Bobodoll Experiment with Agression and I am looking for gender and Group differences. I failed my assumption testing and did a trimmed means ANOVA as seen below
Ge= Gender (factor)
gr = Group (factor)
physical aggression (int.)
t2way(phy_agg ~ Ge* gr, data = numbers)
test <- mcp2atm(phy_agg ~ Ge* gr, data = numbers)
Has anyone calculated this before? I am confused with the psihat for the mcp2atm post hoc test as I don't know how to do the symbol in r Markdown.
Another problem is that I only get one Ge1 when I call "test" and for the contrast, it's a matrix with only 1;0;-1. Does anyone know a paper order page explaining how to interpret these results?
my stat prof wanted to look over it but didn't have time yet and I was hoping some of you might have calculated this function before and could help me.
psihat ci.lower ci.upper p-value
Ge1 -2.93838 -5.36048 -0.51629 0.01818
gr1 -0.48384 -3.44648 2.4788 0.69131
gr2 -7.44444 -9.51897 -5.36991 0.00000
gr3 -6.96061 -9.1867 -4.73447 0.00000
Ge1:gr1 -0.95051 -3.91315 2.01214 0.43614
Ge1:gr2 -0.44444 -2.51897 1.63009 0.59486
Ge1:gr3 0.50606 -1.72007 2.73220 0.57214
7 rows
Thank you!
EDIT: I have found the robust test from: Robust statistical methods in R using the WRS2 package, by Patrick Maier and Rand Wilcox