World Cup 2022 Recap |> Table Contest

World Cup 2022 Recap

Authors: Day Yi, Riley O'Hare, Luis Guaman, Sena Cetin, Lauren Pak, Vincent Etherton, Jorge Hernandez
Project Edson

Full Description:
This is a Shiny App that allows one to relive the games (at various levels - groups, teams, games, goals) of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar. The initial table (built from scratch using mostly shiny::fluidRow) is a game-by-game summary of all 64 games played. Various filters and buttons allow the user to drill down into the game to view videos of individual goals or summarize the group stage activity for each group. So while the table is a game-level report, it serves as the interface to dive deeper into each game.

Table Type: interactive-Shiny
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: Edson
Code: GitHub - dy1395/edson: Shiny app code for Posit Table Contest submission
Language: R
Industries: sports & entertainment.
Packages: shiny, shinyWidgets, tidyverse, highcharter