Hello folks.
When computing an aov (and probably some other alike-methods) it's impossible to call the SSB.
aov(formula = value ~ group, data = i2_btween)
group Residuals
Sum of Squares 420.8522 24.9973
Deg. of Freedom 1 8
Residual standard error: 1.767671
Estimated effects may be unbalanced
Don't mind the warning, Do you have a clue how i might parametrrize this? I tried assigning to an object and using the $ or [ and [[. It's almost as if they hid it under the 'term'...
I may have misunderstood your question. Running code like the following will give you a data frame from which you can get the sums of squares, mean sums of square, degrees of freedom, etc.
Which stands for:
[[1]] The first (and only) object in the object of type list contains the summary call.
[1,2] The first row and the second column (which is where the numeric value is stored).