functions do not perform in-place modifications, they return a new data frame as output, if you want changes to persist, you have to explicitly overwrite the original data frame with the assign operator. This is an example of the syntax with pseudo code.
original_dataframe <- original dataframe %>%
mutate(new_column = column_1 - column_2)
If you need more specific help, please provide a proper REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue.
Beautiful! Incredible!
This worked perfectly thank you
When we add select to select columns, the code works;
penguins %>% select (species, island, body_mass_g) %>% mutate (body_mass_kg = body_mass_g/1000)
The mutate()
operation works the same even if you do not select()
those variables first. This doesn't address the problem described by @Advance.
They were asking why that specific code was not adding a new column to the original penguins
data set, which you can see here it doesn't, because dplyr
doesn't perform in-place modifications.
penguins %>%
mutate (body_mass_kg = body_mass_g / 1000)
#> # A tibble: 344 × 9
#> species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g
#> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1 Adelie Torgersen 39.1 18.7 181 3750
#> 2 Adelie Torgersen 39.5 17.4 186 3800
#> 3 Adelie Torgersen 40.3 18 195 3250
#> 4 Adelie Torgersen NA NA NA NA
#> 5 Adelie Torgersen 36.7 19.3 193 3450
#> 6 Adelie Torgersen 39.3 20.6 190 3650
#> 7 Adelie Torgersen 38.9 17.8 181 3625
#> 8 Adelie Torgersen 39.2 19.6 195 4675
#> 9 Adelie Torgersen 34.1 18.1 193 3475
#> 10 Adelie Torgersen 42 20.2 190 4250
#> # … with 334 more rows, and 3 more variables: sex <fct>, year <int>,
#> # body_mass_kg <dbl>
# The column doesn't exist because the output hasn't been explicitly assigned
# to the original data frame
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `body_mass_kg`.
You need to explicitly assign the output to the original data set if you want the changes to persist.
penguins <- penguins %>%
mutate (body_mass_kg = body_mass_g / 1000)
#> [1] 3.750 3.800 3.250 NA 3.450 3.650 3.625 4.675 3.475 4.250 3.300 3.700
#> [13] 3.200 3.800 4.400 3.700 3.450 4.500 3.325 4.200 3.400 3.600 3.800 3.950
#> [25] 3.800 3.800 3.550 3.200 3.150 3.950 3.250 3.900 3.300 3.900 3.325 4.150
#> [37] 3.950 3.550 3.300 4.650 3.150 3.900 3.100 4.400 3.000 4.600 3.425 2.975
#> [49] 3.450 4.150 3.500 4.300 3.450 4.050 2.900 3.700 3.550 3.800 2.850 3.750
#> [61] 3.150 4.400 3.600 4.050 2.850 3.950 3.350 4.100 3.050 4.450 3.600 3.900
#> [73] 3.550 4.150 3.700 4.250 3.700 3.900 3.550 4.000 3.200 4.700 3.800 4.200
#> [85] 3.350 3.550 3.800 3.500 3.950 3.600 3.550 4.300 3.400 4.450 3.300 4.300
#> [97] 3.700 4.350 2.900 4.100 3.725 4.725 3.075 4.250 2.925 3.550 3.750 3.900
#> [109] 3.175 4.775 3.825 4.600 3.200 4.275 3.900 4.075 2.900 3.775 3.350 3.325
#> [121] 3.150 3.500 3.450 3.875 3.050 4.000 3.275 4.300 3.050 4.000 3.325 3.500
#> [133] 3.500 4.475 3.425 3.900 3.175 3.975 3.400 4.250 3.400 3.475 3.050 3.725
#> [145] 3.000 3.650 4.250 3.475 3.450 3.750 3.700 4.000 4.500 5.700 4.450 5.700
#> [157] 5.400 4.550 4.800 5.200 4.400 5.150 4.650 5.550 4.650 5.850 4.200 5.850
#> [169] 4.150 6.300 4.800 5.350 5.700 5.000 4.400 5.050 5.000 5.100 4.100 5.650
#> [181] 4.600 5.550 5.250 4.700 5.050 6.050 5.150 5.400 4.950 5.250 4.350 5.350
#> [193] 3.950 5.700 4.300 4.750 5.550 4.900 4.200 5.400 5.100 5.300 4.850 5.300
#> [205] 4.400 5.000 4.900 5.050 4.300 5.000 4.450 5.550 4.200 5.300 4.400 5.650
#> [217] 4.700 5.700 4.650 5.800 4.700 5.550 4.750 5.000 5.100 5.200 4.700 5.800
#> [229] 4.600 6.000 4.750 5.950 4.625 5.450 4.725 5.350 4.750 5.600 4.600 5.300
#> [241] 4.875 5.550 4.950 5.400 4.750 5.650 4.850 5.200 4.925 4.875 4.625 5.250
#> [253] 4.850 5.600 4.975 5.500 4.725 5.500 4.700 5.500 4.575 5.500 5.000 5.950
#> [265] 4.650 5.500 4.375 5.850 4.875 6.000 4.925 NA 4.850 5.750 5.200 5.400
#> [277] 3.500 3.900 3.650 3.525 3.725 3.950 3.250 3.750 4.150 3.700 3.800 3.775
#> [289] 3.700 4.050 3.575 4.050 3.300 3.700 3.450 4.400 3.600 3.400 2.900 3.800
#> [301] 3.300 4.150 3.400 3.800 3.700 4.550 3.200 4.300 3.350 4.100 3.600 3.900
#> [313] 3.850 4.800 2.700 4.500 3.950 3.650 3.550 3.500 3.675 4.450 3.400 4.300
#> [325] 3.250 3.675 3.325 3.950 3.600 4.050 3.350 3.450 3.250 4.050 3.800 3.525
#> [337] 3.950 3.650 3.650 4.000 3.400 3.775 4.100 3.775
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