library(stacks) can only add fit_resample() or tune_*().
Why do candidates only receive the results of resample+fit?
Can't it also receive workflow classes created with normal fit()?
In addition, is it possible to extract only the members with coefficients as individual models from the model_stack that is the result of fit_members()?
Stacking is a specific method that uses out-of-sample predictions to create the ensemble. fit() does not generate those so it wouldn't be appropriate to use.
The question is
"Are there any plans to allow add_candidate() to handle the results of fit()?"
Do you mean the glmnet model that defines the ensemble or the individual models?
I mean each and every model.
For example, the models with non-zero coefficients can be extracted separately.
I wanted to know if it will be possible to extract from the models in stacks as in extract_*().