Whitelisting Quatro.exe fails because is called with short filename - Rtudio starte without Quatro

We use Whitelistning in our organization and when trying to run Rstudio from a network share we have the following issue:

Application Control – UAT:
An Application was blocked to protect this unit.
USERID is not allowed to run:
Applikation: Quarto.exe

When clicking OK Rstudio starts but is missing the Quarto capabilities

More INFO:
In our Whitelistning Logs we can see the following
Quarto.exe or Rstudio is not resolving the pathname correctly when Ivanti is using the function GetLongPathNameW

We have tried whitelisting the path with the ~1 pathname without success as the function gets a not usable reply.

Hope Someone can point us in the right direction to get this fixed.

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