On top of this, the download page doesn't have a version for ARM64 Macs, and I'd prefer not to have to use Rosetta. But since I can't even find any Version 1.4 for any architecture, I'd accept an Intel version.
Where is Version 1.4?
I suppose it's too much to ask for a way to install an ARM64 version of 1.4 via HomeBrew.
Thanks, but wow! It's pretty confusing that the download is calendar numbered but the new release announcement is not.
Since macOS Monterey asks about Rosetta 2 when I try to open the downloaded version, is it fair to say v2021.09.1+372 is available only as an x86 object?
The release announcement for version 1.4 "Wax Begonia" was on January 19. The change to calendar based versioning was September 1 for the new “Ghost Orchid” version. It is not native for Apple Silicon yet.
After posting my reply yesterday, I did track down a ARM64 version of RStudio and began the following edited version of the earlier post. But because I am relatively new to this forum, my ability to post it was postponed while an administrator inspected the earlier post. I tried to write the following to help others who find themselves in the same situation.
Revision Follows
Thanks. This is extremely helpful!
From the RStudio IDE Release History I learned that Version 1.4.1717 ("Juliet Rose") released on 2021-06-01 includes:
Support for the upcoming R 4.1.0 release, including the new |> pipe, \(x) function shorthand, and new graphics engineRStudio Desktop for macOS adds support for the Apple Silicon (aarch64) builds of R
It wasn't clear to me if this entire version, rather than just the graphics engine it uses, supports Apple Silicon.
But based on this information I was able to track down "Older Versions of RStudio" and from there the installer for "Juliet Rose." Then I downloaded and installed the macOS version, which actually turned out to be 'version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) -- "Bird Hippie"' and runs natively on my ARM64 MacBook Pro without Rosetta!
Notice that "Ghost Orchid" was released on 2021-09-27 and ostensibly began calendar versioning. But "Bird Hippie" was released over a month later and still uses the semantic versioning conventions.
Suggestion for RStudio PBC: tracing down all the different names and version numbers used during this transition period may be a time-consuming task with relatively little gain; instead, add a page with a table showing the correspondences between Release Date, Release Name, semantic version number, and calendar version number. Notice that semantic numbers are also inconsistent (e.g., 1.4.1717 followed by 4.1.2), so the table may require a fifth column.
As far as I know, there is no native version of RStudio for Apple silicon yet but it is on its way since there are feature branches on github working on ARM support in general.
The text you are referencing is talking about support for the Apple Silicon (aarch64) builds of R not RStudio so RStudio doesn't run natively but the R "engine" does. Most of the speed benefits should come from that anyways.