When I add something to mydataframe it changes from num. to char. ...

Why does it change to char. after my marked code?

firstname = c("Thomas","Max","Sebi","Jogi","Anna")
lastname = c("Haberl", "Mustermann", "Boehm", "Pfennig", "Mayer")
yearofbirth = c(2000,1995,2000,1999,1992)
agecategory = c("child", "elderly", "adult", "adult", "adolescent")
thirdPerson = paste(firstname[3], lastname[3])
mydataframe = data.frame(firstname, lastname,yearofbirth,agecategory,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
firstandlastname = paste(mydataframe$firstname,mydataframe$lastname)
newMember = c("Franz","Huber",1950,"adult")
mydataframe = rbind.data.frame(mydataframe,newMember,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Hello! Welcome to the community.

First I have to admit that without dinner output, it's difficult to understand what is happening. The data looks was expected in the right hand side.

Could you try rbind()instead of rbind.data.frame()? I believe base rbind is less restrictive.

When I add something to mydataframe it changes from num. to char. ...

The something that you are adding is a character vector. A vector is always of a single type, in your case character, the fact you put 1950 as third element can not be relied upon, it gets immediately coerced to "1950"

Still won't work..

firstname = c("Thomas","Max","Sebi","Jogi","Anna")
lastname = c("Haberl", "Mustermann", "Boehm", "Pfennig", "Mayer")
yearofbirth = c(2000,1995,2000,1999,1992)
agecategory = c("child", "elderly", "adult", "adult", "adolescent")
thirdPerson = paste(firstname[3], lastname[3])
mydataframe = data.frame(firstname, lastname,yearofbirth,agecategory,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
firstandlastname = paste(mydataframe$firstname,mydataframe$lastname)
newMember = c("Franz","Huber",1950,"adult")
mydataframe = rbind(mydataframe,newMember,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

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Hi, welcome!

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