What to do with checkrd: (-1) <function>.Rd:<lineno>: Escaped Latex Specials: <escaped Latex Sybol> output from devtools::check()?

I have a bunch of NOTEs stating

checkrd: (-1) <function>.Rd:<lineno>: Escaped Latex Specials: <escaped Latex symbol>

This must be a new check that was added to checkrd since I have not altered my code and have never seen this particular output before. I am preparing my code for a CRAN submission but I need to get rid of these NOTES that checkrd is outputting before I do so. Doing a web search, I am not finding any solutions as to how to deal with this and of course checkrd\devtools:check isn't suggesting how I should address this either.

Edit: link to project RAQSAPI on github

Can you show us the actual package?

I am sorry I should have included this in my original post, RAQSAPI package on github.

You don't need to escape $ characters in roxygen2 (or .Rd) markup, so replace these:

#'           is a 2 item named list in which the first item (\$Header) is a


#'           is a 2 item named list in which the first item ($Header) is a

and then re-generate the .Rd files.

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