A Question from the meetup Meetup: Making the Shift from Excel to R: Perspectives from the back-office
What sort of packages did you use for reconciliation? - Excel -> R Meetup Q&A
A Question from the meetup Meetup: Making the Shift from Excel to R: Perspectives from the back-office
What sort of packages did you use for reconciliation? - Excel -> R Meetup Q&A
Much of it was dplyr, using mutate and summarize functions. At first for the reconciliation, parts of it were done in base R. I had a question that I asked in Stack Overflow and the answer to this actually changed my life. In the sense that I was working on something and this solved my entire problem at that one point in time. I took a lot of time to figure out why that worked and what they did there. I’ll share this post as well.
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