What Should Parents Do? - Closeread Prize

What Should Parents Do?

Authors: Andrew Grogan-Kaylor

Read the closeread article: What Should Parents Do?
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A #closeread #scrollytelling version of the ideas presented in: Ward, Kaitlin P, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Julie Ma, Garrett T Pace, and Shawna J Lee. 2023. “Associations Between 11 Parental Discipline Behaviors and Child Outcomes Across 60 Countries.” 13(10), BMJ Open, https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/13/10/e058439.

Full Description

A #closeread #scrollytelling version of the ideas presented in: Ward, Kaitlin P, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Julie Ma, Garrett T Pace, and Shawna J Lee. 2023. “Associations Between 11 Parental Discipline Behaviors and Child Outcomes Across 60 Countries.” 13(10), BMJ Open, https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/13/10/e058439.

In this article we separately and simultaneously estimate the child development outcomes associated with 11 different forms of parental discipline. Data come from the #UNICEF #MICS data and represent families from 60 Low and Middle Income Countries.

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